
Institucionalno nasilje v obporodni skrbi
ID Sotlar, Tjaša (Author), ID Zorc Maver, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5462/ This link opens in a new window

Magistrsko delo bo obravnavalo slovenski zdravstveni sistem obporodne skrbi, doživljanje obporodne skrbi žensk, ki so že rodile, in institucionalno nasilje v obporodni skrbi, pri čemer se bo dotaknilo teme temeljnih pravic žensk. Teoretični del bo sestavljen iz jasne in sistematične predstavitve temeljnih konceptov obporodne skrbi, pri čemer bo v ospredju institucionalna hegemonija v slovenski obporodni skrbi. Pod drobnogledom bo institucionalno nasilje v povezavi z medikalizacijo nosečnosti, pri tem se bo upošteval tehnokratski, humanistični in holistični aspekt poroda. Raziskano bo tudi področje zdravstvene zakonodaje obporodne skrbi tako v Sloveniji kot tudi v tujih državah. Tema magistrskega dela bo obravnavana iz socialno-pedagoškega, sociološkega, zdravstvenega in antropološkega vidika. Vsakršen sistem obporodne skrbi je svojstven seštevek prepričanj, mišljenj in praks, vsak porod je specifičen glede na kulturno ozadje. Sistemi obporodne skrbi se skozi prostor in čas spreminjajo. Spreminjata se položaj in vloga zdravstvenih delavcev, ki znotraj institucije skrbijo za porodnice, spreminja se tudi možnost žensk, da odločajo o svojem telesu in s tem nadzirajo porod. Tehnološki napredek je močno zaznamoval obporodno skrb, saj se je z novo tehnologijo povečala stopnja njene medikalizacije, le-ta pa povečuje institucionalno nasilje nad porodnicami. Nasilni obporodni obravnavi žensk, v kateri je volja porodnic sistemsko zatrta prek institucionalnih pravil in rutinskih postopkov, se namenja premalo pozornosti. Tovrstna obravnava grobo krši pravice žensk, ki rojevajo, zato lahko rečemo, da so porodnice ranljiva skupina. Obporodna skrb je v tem oziru socialno-pedagoško polje, saj smo socialni pedagogi tisti, ki delujemo v smeri zagotavljanja človekovih pravic in enakih možnosti. V empiričnem delu bomo uporabili kvalitativen raziskovalni pristop in izvedli intervjuje s štirimi ženskami z izkušnjo poroda, babico in porodničarjem, nadalje bomo raziskovali, kakšna je njihova perspektiva o slovenski institucionalni obporodni skrbi in v katerih segmentih opažajo njene prednosti in pomanjkljivosti.

Keywords:obporodna skrb
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105349 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12203849 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.12.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Institutional violence in obstetric care
This master’s thesis deals with the Slovenian health care system of maternity care, the maternity care experience of women who have already given birth, and institutional violence in maternity care, which will be touched on in the subject of fundamental women’s rights. The theoretical part consists of a clear and systematic presentation of the fundamental concepts of maternity care, which focus on institutional hegemony in Slovenian maternity care. The institutional violence in connection with the medicalization of pregnancy is placed under scrutiny, taking into account the technocratic, humanistic, and holistic aspects of childbirth. The field of health legislation in maternity care in Slovenia, as well as in foreign countries, is also examined. The topic of this master’s thesis is dealt with from socio-pedagogical, sociological, health and anthropological perspectives. Every system of maternity care is a unique sum of beliefs, thoughts, and practices, and each birth is specific in relation to cultural background. The systems of maternity care change through space and time. The situation and the role of health workers who are taking care of pregnant women within the institution are changing, as is the possibility of women choosing to control their own body. Technological advances have greatly marked maternity care; new technology has increased the degree of its medicalization, further increasing the institutional violence against mothers. Little attention is paid to the violent maternity treatment of women, in which the will of women is systemically repressed through institutional rules and routine procedures. This kind of treatment roughly violates the rights of women who are giving birth, which is why women can be classed as a vulnerable group. In this context, maternity care is a socio-pedagogical field, because the social pedagogues are those who work towards ensuring human rights and equal opportunities. In the empirical part of this study, qualitative research approach is used to conduct interviews with four women who have experienced childbirth, and a midwife and obstetrician. This study also explores their perspective on the Slovenian institutional maternity care and in which segments they notice its advantages and disadvantages.

Keywords:maternity care

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