
Odnos učencev do tehnike in tehnologije ter okolja : povezovalni vidiki za vzdržno okolje
ID Bevk, Marko (Author), ID Avsec, Stanislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Živimo v svetu, kjer nas na vsakem koraku obkroža sodobna tehnologija, hkrati pa smo soočeni tudi s številnimi okoljskimi težavami, ki se vedno pogostejše in predstavljajo grožnjo za normalno življenjsko okolje. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela smo podali nekaj dejstev o odnosu tehnike in tehnologije, ki je bil že raziskovan v nekaterih delih. Predstavili smo komponente, iz katerih je omenjeni odnos sestavljen, in glavne dejavnike, ki na ta odnos vplivajo. Kasneje smo se posvetili tudi okoljski problematiki v šolstvu. Osredotočili smo se predvsem na učne načrte predmetov, ki se pojavljajo v obdobju devetih let, kolikor traja osnovno izobraževanje v naši državi. Na koncu smo predstavili tudi dobre prakse, ki so pri nas prisotne na področju varovanja okolja. Dotaknili smo se tudi odnosa do okolja in tudi tu opisali dejavnike, ki na omenjeni odnos vplivajo. Zatem smo se posvetili tujini in opisali, kakšen odnos do okolja imajo učenci v nekaterih drugih državah. Glavni del magistrskega dela smo nato posvetili merjenju odnosa do tehnike in tehnologije in okolja ter interpretaciji rezultatov, pridobljenih z vprašalnikom, ki smo ga zasnovali posebej za namen našega magistrskega dela, pri čemer smo uporabili že uveljavljene vprašalnike za merjenje odnosa do tehnike in tehnologije ter okolja. Glavni namen magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti, kakšen je odnos učencev do raziskovanih področij in ali med njima obstajajo kakšne povezave. Najprej smo iskali razlike glede na spol in starost, nato smo se posvetili korelacijam. Ugotovili smo, da učenci kažejo nadpovprečno pozitiven odnos do obeh področij, saj so v kategorijah, kjer je to pričakovati, dosegali povprečno število točk, višje od aritmetične sredine, ki je znašala 2,5 točke. Ugotovili smo tudi, da ima na druge kategorije tako odnosa do okolja kot tudi odnosa do tehnike in tehnologije največji vpliv kategorija, ki predstavlja zadovoljstvo učencev s poukom tehnike in tehnologije. Kljub temu, da smo ugotovili močno pozitiven odnos do tehnike in tehnologije ter okolja, smo predlagali nekaj vsebin, s pomočjo katerih lahko omenjena odnosa še dodatno izboljšamo. Kot predloge smo uporabili predvsem dobre prakse, ki jih uporabljajo v tujini. Pri tem nismo spregledali dobre prakse, ki se uspešno uveljavlja tudi pri nas in s pomočjo katere bodo lahko v prihodnje šole nadgrajevale pozitiven odnos učencev predvsem do okolja. Ta dobra praksa je gozdna pedagogika, ki jo pri nas vpeljujejo raziskovalci Gozdarskega inštituta in jo tržijo pod imenom Gozd eksperimentov. Gozdna pedagogika je zaradi načina dejavnega poučevanja zagotovo področje, ki bo imelo pri izboljševanju odnosa do okolja v prihodnje veliko vlogo.

Keywords:učenci, odnos do okolja, vzdržno okolje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[M. Bevk]
Number of pages:VIII, 90 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105321 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12196425 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.12.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Students' attitudes toward technology and environment: connecting aspect for sustainable environment
We live in a world where we are constantly surrounded by modern technology. At the same time, we are faced with numerous environmental issues that are becoming more common and are threatening a normal living environment. In the theoretical part of this master’s thesis, we provide some facts about different attitudes towards technology that have already been researched in some other works. We present the components that build these attitudes and main factors that shape them. Afterwards, we also discuss environmental issues in education. We focus mostly on the syllabuses of subjects that are part of the curriculum of primary schools. In the end, we also present examples of good practice in the field of environmental protection. We then discuss attitudes towards the environment and the factors that affect these attitudes. Afterwards, we focus on foreign countries and describe foreign pupils’ attitudes towards the environment in some of these countries. The main part of the thesis is dedicated to attitudes towards technology and the environment as well as the interpretation of results obtained through a questionnaire, which was devised especially for the purpose of this master’s thesis. In addition, we used already existing questionnaires for measuring attitudes towards technology and the environment. The main purpose of the master’s thesis is to discover the attitudes of pupils towards the researched topics and if there are any links between them. At first, we searched for differences based on gender and age and then we looked at correlations. We discovered that pupils show above average attitudes towards both topics, since the average score for answers surpassed the arithmetic mean of 2.5 points. We also discovered that satisfaction with technology classes has the biggest effect on attitudes towards technology and the environment. Even though the results showed a very positive attitude towards technology and the environment, we prepared some suggestions for further improving pupils’ attitudes. Our suggestions were based on examples of good practice from abroad. Nevertheless, we did not overlook the example of good practice from Slovenia, which has been successfully implemented into the school curriculum and which will help increase pupils’ positive attitudes towards the environment. This is forest pedagogics, which was introduced by the researchers of the Slovenian Forestry Institute and is marketed under the name of Forest of experiments. Because of its active manner of teaching, forest pedagogics is definitely a field, which will play an important role in improving pupils’ attitudes towards the environment.

Keywords:engineering, technology, primary school, tehnika, tehnologija, osnovna šola

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