
Pregled in predstavitev tabujskih tem v slovenski mladinski književnosti : magistrsko delo
ID Lukan, Anja (Author), ID Blažič, Milena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/id/eprint/5447 This link opens in a new window

V družbi obstajajo določene teme, ki splošni populaciji povzročajo nelagodje – bodisi o njih ne želijo govoriti ali pa imajo do njih odklonilno mnenje. Poimenujemo jih z izrazom tabujske teme. Učitelji kot osebe, ki učencem omogočajo širok in raznolik pogled na svet, so pomemben člen pri ustvarjanju sodobne družbe, ki naj bi temeljila na sprejemanju in odkritosti. Pri širjenju učenčevih obzorij se med drugim poslužujejo tudi pogovorov o temah, ki veljajo za tabujske, pri čemer pa kot odličen učni pripomoček učitelji lahko uporabijo leposlovje. Branje takšne literature namreč ponuja idealne iztočnice, ob katerih lahko učenci s pomočjo učitelja razvijajo svoj pogled na drugačnost. Obravnava tabujskih tematik v razredu marsikateremu učitelju predstavlja težavo. Pogost problem, na katerega naletijo, je izbira primerne tabujske književnosti, ki mora biti dovolj kakovostna, obenem pa mora zajemati obravnavano tematiko in biti primerna za njihove učence. Na izbiro vplivajo tudi subjektivne predstave učiteljev o primernosti določenih tematik, zato je težava z izbiro ustrezne literature lahko še toliko obsežnejša. S tem namenom v magistrski nalogi predstavljamo področje tabujske tematike v mladinski književnosti. V teoretskem pregledu je zajet poglobljen pregled omenjenega področja. Predstavljene so glavne značilnosti tabujske književnosti, dileme v poimenovanju in definiranju tega tipa literature, teme, ki jih opredeljujejo kot tabujske, in pregled njihovega pojavljanja skozi zgodovino. Dotaknemo se tudi obravnave takšnih tematik v razredu. Teoretična spoznanja o tabujski književnosti nadgradimo s primerjalno literarno analizo šestih izbranih književnih del, s pomočjo katerih primerjamo dela iz starejšega obdobja z novejšimi ter ugotavljamo značilnosti vsebine in jezika, ki so se v tabujski književnosti z leti spremenile. Kot relevanten seznam kakovostne literature predstavimo tudi priročnike za branje kakovostnih mladinskih knjig, ki jih letno izdaja Mestna knjižnica Ljubljana, pri čemer jih uporabimo tudi v praksi, saj s pomočjo le-teh pripravimo pregledni seznam vseh del, ki so bila v priročnikih označena s tabujskimi deskriptorji. Z omenjenimi komponentami smo pripravili celovit pregled področja tabujskih tem v mladinski književnosti, s čimer želimo prispevati k detabuizaciji obravnave tabujskih tem v razredu in obenem ponuditi konkreten pripomoček, s katerim imajo učitelji hiter dostop do vse literature na slovenskem, označene s tabujskimi deskriptorji.

Keywords:tabu, tabujske teme, priročnik za kakovostno branje mladinskih knjig, slovenska mladinska književnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[A. Lukan]
Number of pages:120 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105317 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12193353 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.12.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Overview and presentation of taboo issues in Slovenian youth literature
Certain topics in the society are causing discomfort to the general population. People either do not want to talk about it or have a negative opinion about it. We use the term taboo themes about those topics. Teachers, being those who provide a wide and diverse view of the world for the pupils, are one of the most important links in creating a modern society, a society based on acceptance and honesty. Trying to expand pupils' horizons, teachers open conversations on topics regarded as taboos. They can use fiction as an excellent learning aid. Reading such literature offers students an ideal source to develop their own views towards the otherness. A proper assistance of teacher is in such case the most important matter. Discussing taboo themes in the class may present some problems to the teacher. One of the most frequent ones they encounter is the choice of suitable literature. The quality must be sufficient and cover the discussed topic but yet be appropriate for their pupils. The subjective teachers' ideas on the suitability of certain topics also affect the choice. Therefore, the problem with the choice of appropriate literature may seem even more extensive. The aim of the master's thesis is to present the aspect of taboo themes in youth literature. The theoretical overview includes a detailed overview of the theme. The main features of tabloid literature are presented. Uncovered are also the dilemmas about the naming and definition of this type of literature. There are taboo themes listed and there's the overview of their occurrence throughout history. Finally, a touch on the discussion of such topics in the classroom is also mentioned. A comparative literary analysis of six selected works is used for the upgrade of theoretical knowledge on taboo literature. Literature from the older period is compared with the more recent one. Content and language changes characteristics in taboo literature over the years are determined. A relevant list of quality literature is also presented; manuals for the quality reading of youth literature is annually published by Mestna knjižnica Ljubljana. A comprehensive list of all the works that were described in the manuals as taboo works are created. In order to contribute to the decomposition of taboos in youth literature, all of the components mentioned above are used to show a comprehensive overview of the topic. There's also an ambition to offer a suitable tool for teachers who want to access quickly to the entire taboo-labelled literature in Slovenia.

Keywords:children's and youth literature, mladinska književnost

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