Inquiry based learning is becoming an increasingly interesting and necessary form of lessons in Slovenia and worldwide.
Within the master’s thesis, I have prepared a set of activities regarding the mathematics of colours on computer screen. Primary function of this activity is inquiry based learning. Through this activity, students are to discover a logic of colourful mathematics. The activity can help a teacher to determine how thoroughly and rapidly a pupil can learn to use a numerical colour palette. Use of the colourl palette means they can successfully predict intensities of colours on the palette based on screen’s colour and vice versa, and that they can predict numerical intensities of basic colours for a certain screen colour. These findings can be a useful tool for mutual comparison or distinguishing of pupils.
In the theoretical part, a liquid-crystal screen is described, we have defined inquiry based learning, and its positive and negative characteristics. We have also listed characteristics of the gifted pupils, which are, due to the nature of the master’s thesis, mainly focused on pupils gifted in science.
In the empirical part, we have formed an activity that contains activities and tests for independent inquiry, the goal of which is to determine rules of colour mathematics. Based on the preliminary study, I have tested understandability and efficiency of the activity. The test has included seven pupils. Analysis of the responses revealed the mistakes a teacher can make in the accompanying explanation that is necessary to conduct the activity, which instructions pupils do not understand, and what is unnecessary or inappropriate for the concept of this activity. Based on these findings, I have improved the activity.