
Diferenciacija posameznika in zadovoljstvo v zakonski/partnerski zvezi : magistrsko delo
ID Brajnik, Alenka (Author), ID Gerjolj, Stanko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Človek je družbeno bitje, zato nenehno vstopa v različne odnose. Njegove lastnosti določajo te odnose. Ena izmed najpomembnejših lastnosti, ki jo človek pridobiva že od rojstva dalje, je njegova diferenciacija. To je posameznikova sposobnost ohraniti občutek za sebe in hkrati biti povezan z drugimi. Posameznik je zmožen uporabljati mnenja, prepričanja, opozorila in nasvete drugih, a vseeno zmore slediti svojemu čutenju in razmišljanju ter sprejeti svoje zaključke in odločitve. Diferenciacijo določajo štiri poddimenzije in sicer: avtonomija, čustveni nadzor, čustvena odzivnost in zlitost z drugimi. Zakonska/partnerska zveza je odnos moškega in ženske, ki živita skupno življenje in tvorita družino. Zadovoljstvo v zvezi pomeni subjektivno oceno posameznikove izkušnje v odnosu. Partnerstvo je lahko srečno in zadovoljujoče kadar se partner ob drugem počuti tako, da lahko v najboljši meri razvija sebe, svoje talente in potenciale. Naloga se loti preverjanja povezav med posameznimi poddimenzijami diferenciacije posameznika in zadovoljstva v zakonski/partnerski zvezi. Postavljene so hipoteze: avtonomija se pozitivno povezuje z zadovoljstvom, čustveni nadzor, čustvena odzivnost in zlitost z drugimi pa se negativno povezuje z zadovoljstvom v zakonski/partnerski zvezi. Za potrditev hipotez je bila uporabljena metoda vrednotenja vprašalnikov. Uporabljena sta bila dva vprašalnika in sicer za področje diferenciacije posameznika DSI-SF in za zadovoljstvo v zakonski/partnerski zvezi vprašalnik KMS. Rezultati so bili računani s pomočjo programskega paketa SPSS 20. Vrednosti so v celoti potrdile avtorjeve hipoteze. Avtonomija je statistično pomembno pozitivno povezana z zadovoljstvom v zakonski/partnerski zvezi, medtem ko se ostale poddimezije statistično pomembno negativno povezujejo z zadovoljstvom v zakonski/partnerski zvezi. Dobljeni rezultati dajejo bodočim raziskovalcem tega področja podlago za nadaljnje raziskovanje. Terapevti in svetovalci pa bodo lahko vključevali v svoje klinično delo uporabno vrednost v nalogo vloženega dela.

Keywords:diferenciacija posameznika, zadovoljstvo v zvezi, avtonomija, čustveni nadzor, čustvena odzivnost, zlitost z drugimi, zakonska zveza, partnerska zveza
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Brajnik]
Number of pages:X, 57, II str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105286 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8007770 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.11.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Differentiation of self and martial/relationship satisfaction
Man is a social creature, as he/she constantly enters into various relationships. His/her own qualities determine these relationships. One of the most important qualities that a person receives right from birth is his differentiation of self. This is a person's ability to keep a sense of himself/herself while being connected to others. The individual in question is capable of using his/her own opinions, convictions, warnings, and advice from others while holding true to his/her thoughts and observations by accepting them. Differentiation of self is determined by four subcategories: »I« position, Emotional Cutoff, Emotional Reactivity and Fusion with Others. A marital/domestic partnership is a relation between a man and a woman who share a common life and create a family. Satisfaction in an interpersonal relationship is connected with the individual's subjective appraisal of his/her experiences in the relationship. A partnership can be happy and satisfying when both partners feel like that they can still develop each other, their talents and their potential. This paper examines the connections between these various subcategories of the individual's differentiation and his/her own satisfaction within a marital/domestic relationship. The following hypotheses are postulated: »I« position positively affects satisfaction, while Emotional Cutoff, Reactivity and Fusion with Others negatively affects satisfaction within a martial/domestic relationship. These hypotheses were confirmed by evaluating the questionnaires. Two questionnaires were used - DSI-SF was used to examine the differentiation of self while KMS was used to evaluate the satisfaction present within the marital/domestic relationship. The results were calculated using the SPSS 20 programming packet. The final score definitively corroborated the author's hypotheses. »I« position is statistically and positively connected with the satisfaction of the individual's marital/domestic relationship while the other subcategories are negatively connected with the individual's satisfaction within these same relationships. These results will help future researchers on these matters in the future. Therapists and counselors will also be able to include these crucial findings in their clinical work.

Keywords:differentiation of self, relationship satisfaction, I- position, emotional cutoff, emotional reactivity, fusion with others, marriage, partnership

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