
Kombinacija radioterapije s tarčnim zdravilom vemurafenib pri melanomskih celicah in vitro : magistrsko delo
ID Smešnik, Maja (Author), ID Serša, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Todorović, Vesna (Comentor)

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Uvod: Maligni melanom je vrsta kožnega raka, ki se razvije iz maligno transformiranih melanocitov v epidermisu kože. Bolezen velja za eno bolj agresivnih in na zdravljenje neobčutljivih malignih obolenj. Pri zdravljenju malignega melanoma se poleg standardnih metod zdravljenja uveljavljajo tudi novejše metode. Ena od teh je tarčno zdravljenje. Tarčno zdravilo pri zdravljenju malignega melanoma je Zelboraf; zdravilna učinkovina je vemurafenib. Namen: Namen magistrskega dela je ugotoviti, ali se s kombinacijo radioterapije in vemurafeniba pri malignem melanomu z in brez prisotne mutacije v genu braf zmanjša delež preživelih celic v primerjavi s posamezno izpostavitvijo celic radioterapiji in vemurafenibu. Ugotoviti želimo, katera vrsta celic je na kombinacijo bolj občutljiva. Metode dela: Pri deskriptivni metodi dela smo pregledali obstoječo relevantno domačo in tujo strokovno literaturo v podatkovnih bazah, ki je bila objavljena v recenziranih revijah. Ključne besede iskanja so bile: BRAF inhibitors, combination of BRAF inhibitors and radiotherapy, CHL-1, SK-MEL-28, melanoma. Pri empiričnem delu smo uporabili kvantitativno metodo test klonogenosti. Eksperimente smo opravili na dveh melanomskih celičnih linijah SK-MEL-28 in CHL-1 in vitro. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da je stopnja preživetja celic SK-MEL-28 z mutacijo v genu braf ob izpostavitvi vemurafenibu in pri kombinaciji obsevanja z vemurafenibom nižja od preživetja celic CHL-1 brez mutacije. Pri celični liniji SK-MEL-28 smo opazili citotoksični učinek vemurafeniba, medtem ko pri celični liniji CHL-1 citotoksičnega učinka nismo opazili niti pri najvišjih koncentracijah. To kaže na selektiven učinek vemurafeniba v prisotnosti mutacije braf. Pri kombinirani izpostavitvi celic SK-MEL-28 obsevanju z vemurafenibom smo opazili, da je stopnja preživetja celic manjša kot pri posameznemu načinu izpostavitve. Stopnja preživetja celic SK-MEL-28 pri dozi 2 Gy ter koncentraciji vemurafeniba 0,05 µM je bila 40-odstotna. Razprava in sklep: Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da so melanomske celice SK-MEL-28 s prisotno mutacijo braf bolj občutljive na kombinirano zdravljenje obsevanja z vemurafenibom kot melanomske celice CHL-1 brez mutacije braf. Zaradi potencialnega sinergističnega učinka teh dveh metod zdravljenja je njuna kombinacija pri zdravljenju malignega melanoma z mutacijo braf smiselna. Rezultati so bili pridobljeni na primeru dveh celičnih linij in vitro. Za podrobnejšo analizo kombiniranega zdravljenja malignega melanoma z radioterapijo in vemurafenibom bi bilo smiselno raziskavo razširiti tudi na druge celične linije malignega melanoma tako in vitro kot tudi in vivo. Raziskave z višjimi koncentracijami vemurafeniba bi lahko zagotovile boljše rezultate opazovanj zdravljenja.

Keywords:braf, kombinirano zdravljenje, maligni melanom, obsevanje, radioterapija, vemurafenib, CHL-1, SK-MEL-28
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105232 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:2993019 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.11.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Combination of radiotherapy and target drug vemurafenib on melanoma cells in vitro : M. Sc. Thesis
Introduction: Malignant melanoma is a type of skin cancer that develops from malignantly transformed melanocytes in the epidermis. Melanoma is one of the most aggressive types of skin cancer. It is also less sensitive to treatment. In addition to standard methods of treatment, new therapeutic approaches are introduced, one being targeted treatment. Target drug or malignant melanoma treatment is Zelboraf (active substance is vemurafenib). Aim: The aim of the master's thesis was to establish whether the combination of radiotherapy and vemurafenib in malignant melanoma with or without mutations in the gene braf reduces cell survival compared to individual exposure to radiotherapy and vemurafenib. Our goal is to determine which types of cells are more sensitive to the combined treatment approach. Methods: In descriptive methods, we reviewed existing relevant peer-reviewed literature in databases. The keywords were: BRAF inhibitors, combination of BRAF inhibitors and radiotherapy, CHL-1 and SK-MEL-28, melanoma. In the empirical part, clonogenic assay was used as a quantitative method. The experiments were performed on two melanoma cell lines SK-MEL-28 in CHL-1 in vitro. Results: We demonstrated a lower survival of SK-MEL-28 cells after exposure to vemurafenib and combination of radiotherapy with vemurafenib than the survival rates of CHL-1 cells. The cytotoxic effect of vemurafenib was observed in SK-MEL-28 cell line, but not CHL-1 cell line. These results show the selective effect of vemurafenib in the presence of braf mutation. After exposure of SK-MEL-28 cells to combination of vemurafenib and radiotherapy, the survival of these cells was lower than after exposure to either treatment alone. The survival of SK-MEL-28 cells at a radiation dose of 2 Gy and the concentration of vemurafenib 0.05 μM was 40%. Discussion and conclusions: The results of this study show that SK-MEL-28 melanoma cells with braf mutation are more sensitive to the combination of vemurafenib and radiotherapy than CHL-1 melanoma cells without braf mutation. Due to the potential synergistic effect of this combined therapeutic approach, it is reasonable to use this combined therapeutic approach for the treatment of malignant melanoma with braf mutation. These results were demonstrated on two cell lines with or without braf mutation in vitro. For a more detailed analysis and possible side effects of the combined vemurafenib and radiotherapy approach for treatment of malignant melanoma, the survival of other malignant melanoma cell lines with or without braf mutation should be evaluated in vitro and in vivo. Experiments with higher concentrations of vemurafenib could provide more detailed treatment observations.

Keywords:braf, combination therapy, malignant melanoma, irradiation, radiotherapy, vemurafenib, CHL-1, SK-MEL-28

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