
Zajem in vizualizacija podatkov z mobilno aplikacijo v brezžičnem senzorskem omrežju
ID KOKALJ, NEJC (Author), ID Rozman, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Biasizzo, Anton (Comentor)

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V okviru naloge smo izdelali mobilno aplikacijo za pregled nad stanjem brezžičnih senzorjev. Uporabili smo brezžično senzorsko omrežje, razvito na Institutu \sn{Jožef Stefan}. Brezžične senzorje smo nadgradili z možnostjo merjenja vlage. Med nadgradnjo smo opazili nekaj pomanjkljivosti v vgrajeni programski opremi in jih odpravili. Razvili smo programsko platformo za Raspberry Pi, ki podatke prejme iz senzorskega omrežja in jih shrani v lokalno podatkovno zbirko. Platforma podatke na mobilne naprave posreduje preko spletnega programskega vmesnika API. Mobilno aplikacijo smo razvili v okolju Android Studio. Aplikacija omogoča prikaz tlorisa stavbe obogatenega z barvami, ki predstavljajo temperaturo ali vlago. V aplikacijo smo tudi vgradili možnost ogleda zgodovinskih podatkov s prikazom v grafu. Strežnik smo povezali v internet in mobilno aplikacijo preizkusili na mobilni napravi.

Keywords:BLE, multi-hop, BGScript, Raspberry Pi, Android
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105225 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.11.2018
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Title:Wireless Sensor Network Data Acquisition and Visualization using Mobile Application
This thesis presents the process of creating a mobile application for viewing wireless sensor data. We have used an existing wireless sensor network, developed at "Jožef Stefan" institute. The sensor network nodes were upgraded to also measure relative humidity. During the upgrade we noticed a number of bugs in the firmware and fixed them. We developed a Raspberry Pi platform which parses the data from the sensor network into a local database. The platform also serves the data using a web API. The mobile application was developed using Android studio. The application displays the sensors on a floor plan with colors representing the temperature or humidity. The application also displays graphs for viewing historical data. The platform was connected to the internet and tested on a mobile device.

Keywords:BLE, multi-hop, BGScript, Raspberry Pi, Android

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