
Povezava oblačne storitve Salesforce z notranjim omrežjem podjetja
ID HRUŠOVAR, BLAŽ (Author), ID Meža, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V mojem diplomskem delu sem predstavil način vzpostavitve komunikacije med Salesforce podatkovno bazo in zaprtim intranetom. V uvodu sem opisal Salesforce, njihov produkt in sorodne komponente. Salesforce podatkovna baza je baza podatkov v oblaku, do katerih lahko dostopamo s klici SOQL. V bazo uporabnik oziroma podjetje shranjuje in z nje bere različne zapise, ki jih potrebuje pri svojem poslovanju. Prednost Salesforce platforme pred ostalimi CRM-ji (ang. Customer Relationship Management) je v tem, da se lahko povsem oblikuje po meri uporabnika, tako oblikovno kot vsebinsko. Moja naloga je izdelava aplikacije, ki bo poskrbela, da se novi zapisi, ki se bodo ustvarjali v Salesforcu, prenesejo tudi v CRM sistem naročnika. Dokaj enostavna naloga, ki pa je zaradi dodatne želje naročnika postala poseben izziv. Pošiljanje podatkov med aplikacijami je precej vsakodnevna in enostavna operacija, vendar se zaplete, ko je ena od teh aplikacij navzven nevidna drugi. Stranka je imela željo vzpostaviti povezavo med njihovim notranjim CRM sistemom in Salesforcem, vendar zaradi varnostnih razlogov ni omogočila neposrednega dostopa Salesforcu. Opisal sem uporabljena orodja ter pristope, ki sem jih uporabil pri izdelavi rešitve. V grobem sem potek rešitve predstavil z naslednjo skico, ki prikazuje potek komunikacije oziroma vrstni red pošiljanja podatkov z vgrajenim vmesnikom: Podrobneje pa sem rešitev predstavil v četrti točki.

Keywords:Salesforce, podatkovna baza, oblak
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105201 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.11.2018
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Title:Connecting cloud based service Salesforce with intranet
In my thesis I presented a way to communcate between a Salesforce database and a secure, closed intranet. In the introduction I described Salesforce, their product and their related components. The Salesforce database is a cloud based database, that is accesible via SOQL statements. An user or company can store or access records which are essential for their business. The advantage of Salesforce over alternative CRM systems is that it is completely customizable based on the users wish, both visually and in term of content. My task is to create an application, that will transfer new records created in Salesforce to the users existing CRM. This is a relatively simple task that became complicated because of special wishes by the client. The client did not grant us direct access to their system due to safety reasons and protocol of their company. I described the tools and approaches I used in the making of the solution. The following is a rough sketch which shows the order of data being transfered throughout the transaction: I explained this in detail in the fourth chapter.

Keywords:Salesforce, database, cloud

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