
ID Boncelj Svetek, Maja (Author), ID Šabovič, Mišo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen dela: Namen pričujoče raziskave je bil ugotoviti, ali kratkotrajno zdravljenje s kombinacijo nizkih, subterapevtskih odmerkov fluvastatina in valsartana lahko klinično pomembno izboljša funkcijske in strukturne lastnosti arterijske žilne stene pri optimalno zdravljenih bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 2 in na ta način posredno zmanjša tveganje za razvoj srčno – žilnih bolezni. Hipoteza: Enomesečno zdravljenje s kombinacijo nizkih, subterapevtskih odmerkov fluvastatina in valsartana pomembno izboljša funkcijske in strukturne lastnosti arterijske stene ter ima pozitiven vpliv na laboratorijske kazalnike vnetja, oksidativnega stresa in izražanje genov pri bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 2. Po prekinitvi zdravljenja učinek pomembno vztraja še določen čas. Po popolnem ali skoraj popolnem izzvenetju učinka lahko zdravljenje ponovimo in pričakujemo ponovitev doseženega pozitivnega učinka. Utemeljitev: Glavni razlog za umrljivost in velik delež obolevnosti pri bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 2 so posledica ateroskleroze in s tem povezanih srčno – žilnih bolezni. Tovrstni zapleti se pri bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo pojavijo prej kot pri sicer zdravi populaciji. Proces ateroskleroze se začne z okrnjenim delovanjem endotela, kar sodi med funkcijske motnje delovanja arterijske žilne stene, v nadaljnjem poteku bolezenskega procesa pa pride do pojava strukturnih sprememb. Spremembe strukture in funkcije arterijske stene lahko spremljamo neinvazivno s pomočjo ultrazvoka in laboratorijskih parametrov. V zdravljenju srčno – žilnih bolezni med pogosteje uporabljenimi zdravili najdemo zaviralce sistema renin – angiotenzin in statine, ki imajo poleg osnovnih učinkov tudi t.i. pleiotropne učinke (ki so neodvisni od primarnega učinkovanja zdravil). Eden izmed pomembnih pleiotropnih učinkov je izboljšanje delovanja endotela. Z uporabo kratkotrajnega, enomesečnega zdravljenja s kombinacijo nizkih odmerkov fluvastatina in valsartana smo želeli doseči izboljšanje tako funkcijskih kot strukturnih lastnosti arterijske stene. Ta koncept se je izkazal za učinkovitega v predhodno opravljenih študijah na zdravih preiskovancih. Za preizkus učinkovitosti pri bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 2 pa smo se odločili, ker menimo, da bi omenjeno zdravljenje lahko imelo pri teh bolnikih, kjer se srčno – žilni zapleti pojavijo prej kot pri sicer zdravi populaciji, pomembno korist. Zasnova raziskave, opis metod, preiskovancev: V dvojno slepo, randomizirano, s placebom kontrolirano raziskavo smo vključili 40 bolnikov s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 2. Preiskovance smo razdelili na dve skupini, kjer je prva (testna) en mesec prejemala kombinacijo nizkih odmerkov fluvastatina in valsartana, druga (kontrolna) pa placebo. Ob pričetku raziskave smo pri vseh vključenih preiskovancih opravili anamnezo in klinični pregled, odvzeli kri za hemogram, elektrolite, parametre vnetja, oksidativnega stresa in gensko analizo ter opravili ultrazvočno preiskavo funkcionalnih in strukturnih lastnosti arterij na vratu in zgornji okončini. Ultrazvočno preiskavo in odvzem krvi smo ponovili po končanem 30 – dnevnem prejemanju zdravil, pozneje pa še čez tri in šest mesecev po končanem zdravljenju z namenom sledenja učinka zdravila. Po izzvenetju oziroma pomembnem zmanjšanju učinka zdravila, smo ponovili 30 – dnevno terapijo s fluvastatinom in valsartanom ter na ta način poskušali dokazati ponovljivost učinka omenjene terapije na žilno steno. Rezultati: Z omenjenim pristopom smo dosegli statistično značilno izboljšanje funkcionalnih in strukturnih lastnosti arterijske stene pri bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 2, dokazali, da učinek traja več mesecev po prekinitvi zdravljenja, s ponovitvijo zdravljenja pa smo dosegli ponovno izboljšanje opazovanih lastnosti. Statistično pomembnega učinka na laboratorijske kazalnike vnetja in oksidativnega stresa nismo uspeli dokazati, dokazali pa smo ugoden učinek na izražanje nekaterih genov z vplivom na arterijsko žilno steno. Zaključek: Opravljena študija je pokazala, da je proučevan nov, originalen pristop lahko učinkovit v zmanjšanju srčno – žilnih zapletov pri bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 2. Gre za začetno študijo z dobrim potencialom za nadaljnje raziskovanje.

Keywords:Sladkorna bolezen tipa 2, ateroskleroza, funkcijske in strukturne lastnosti arterijske žilne stene, fluvastatin, valsartan.
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Organization:MF - Faculty of Medicine
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105186 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.11.2018
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Title:The effects of the combination of low dose fluvastatin and valsartan on arterial wall properties in patients with type II diabetes
Aim: The aim of the study was to identify whether short – term treatment with a combination of low, sub – therapeutic doses of fluvastatin and valsartan can improve the functional and structural properties of the arterial vascular wall in a clinically – relevant manner in optimally – treated patients with type 2 diabetes and thus indirectly reduce the risk of developing cardio – vascular diseases. Hypotheses: One – month treatment with a combination of low, sub – therapeutic doses of fluvastatin and valsartan significantly improves the functional and structural properties of the arterial wall and has a positive impact on the laboratory parameters of inflammation, oxidative stress and gene expression in patients with type 2 diabetes. After therapy discontinuation, the residual effects persist for some time. After the effects are completely or almost completely diminished, treatment is repeated and the positive effects are regained. Background: Atherosclerosis and associated cardio – vascular diseases are one of the main causes of mortality and significant morbidity in patients with type 2 diabetes. Complications in patients with diabetes occur earlier compared to healthy individuals of the same age. The process of atherosclerosis begins with endothelial dysfunction, which impacts the functional properties of the arterial vascular wall, and continues with structural changes. Changes in the structure and functioning of the arterial wall can be monitored non – invasively through ultrasound and laboratory parameters. Renin – angiotensin inhibitors and statins are some of the most commonly used drugs in the treatment of cardio – vascular diseases. In addition to their primary effects, they also display so – called pleiotropic effects, which are independent of the primary effects. One of the most important pleiotropic effect is an improvement in endothelium functioning. Our short – term treatment with low, sub – therapeutic doses of fluvastatin and valsartan in combination aimed to achieve an improvement of both functional and structural properties of the arterial wall. This concept has been proven effective in previous studies on healthy subjects. We decided to test the efficacy of the treatment in patients with type 2 diabetes as we believe that the proposed treatment may have significant beneficial effects on such patients, who often develop cardio – vascular complications earlier than healthy individuals. Study design, description of methods and subjects: 40 patients with type 2 diabetes were included in a double – blind, randomized, placebo – controlled study. The patients were divided into two groups, where the first (test group) received a combination of low, sub – therapeutic doses of fluvastatin and valsartan, and the second (control group) received a placebo. At the beginning of the study, we took the medical history and performed clinical examinations of all the included patients, we took blood samples for hemogram, electrolytes, inflammation, oxidative stress parameters and gene analysis and performed ultrasound investigation of the functional and structural properties of the arteries on the neck and upper limbs of each patient. Ultrasound investigations and blood sample analysis were repeated after one month of treatment, and again three and six months after treatment discontinuation. After the effects of the treatment diminished, we repeated the therapy with fluvastatin and valsartan for one month, to test if the primary effects can be regained. Results: We achieved a statistically significant improvement in the functional and structural properties of the arterial wall in patients with type 2 diabetes, which persisted for several months after finally diminishing, while therapy repetition regained the primary effects. We did not record statistically significant effects on the laboratory indicators of inflammation and oxidative stress, but we did demonstrate a favorable effect on the expression of some genes that impact the arterial vascular wall. Conclusion: This study constitutes that a new, original approach can be effective in reducing the occurrence of cardio – vascular events in patients with type 2 diabetes. This is an initial study with good potential for further research.

Keywords:Type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, functional and structural properties of the arterial vascular wall, fluvastatin, valsartan.

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