
Pomen ustreznega spremljanja delovne uspešnosti zaposlenih – analiza primera
ID Pavlin, Maruša (Author), ID Kohont, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Podjetja se vedno bolj zavedajo pomena ustreznega ravnanja s svojimi zaposlenimi. Zadovoljni zaposleni so pri svojem delu bolj učinkoviti in uspešni. Zadovoljstvo delavcev lahko povečujemo na več načinov. Enega od načinov sem obravnavala v magistrskem delu. Posvetila sem uvedbi in izvajanju letnih razgovorov v analiziranem podjetju. Na podlagi pregledane teorije sem izvedla fokusne skupine ter intervju, posledično pa prišla do ugotovitev, ki so me vodile do izdelave informativne zloženke ter obrazca za izvajanje letnih razgovorov v obravnavanem podjetju. Uvedba letnih razgovorov je v vsaki organizaciji dolgotrajen postopek v katerem morajo sodelovati vsi vpleteni, da se pokažejo pozitivni rezultati, ki se jih lahko uporabi pri nadaljnji analizi stanja v podjetju. Po ugotovitvah je večina mojih sogovornikov v podjetju že pripravljena na začetek uvajanja letnih razgovorov, saj bi jih z veseljem sprejeli. Glede na to, da obravnavano podjetje letnih razgovorov ne izvaja, menim, da bo magistrsko delo pozitivno pripomoglo k zahtevnim začetkom uvajanja letnih razgovorov v obravnavani delovni enoti. Podjetje pa se mora v vsakem primeru zavedati, da je vsak začetek težak.

Keywords:delovna uspešnost, letni razgovor, kompetence, fokusna skupina
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105131 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:35958877 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.10.2018
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Secondary language

Title:The importance of proper monitoring of employees' work performance – case analysis
Businesses and organizations all over the world are increasing their awareness regarding the importance of proper human management. Only satisfied employees are more efficient and successful at their work. We know that we can increase employee satisfaction in several ways. In my master's thesis I have considered only one of them, and that is implementation of annual appraisal in the analyzed company. Based on reviewed theory, I carried out focus groups and an interview. Findings led me to creation of informative brochure and a form for the annual appraisal for analyzed company. The impelementaion of annual appraisal in every organization is long and difficult process in which all involved parties must cooperate in order to show positive results that can be used for further analyze. According to my findingy, most of my interlocutors in the company are already ready to start implementing annual appraisals, and they would be realy happy to accept them. Considering that the company does not conduct annual appraisale, I believe that my master's thesis will positively contribute to the demanding start of implementation of annual appraisals into analyzed working unit and company. But however, the company must take into consideration that every beginning of something new, is difficult.

Keywords:work performance, annual appraisal, competence, focus group

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