
Vloga in lastnosti babice v porodni sobi: perspektiva prvorodnic : diplomsko delo
ID Simončič, Urška (Author), ID Mivšek, Ana Polona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Petročnik, Petra (Comentor)

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Uvod: Tuja literatura pogosto uporablja izraz »dobra« babica (ang. good midwife), ki naj bi imela več pozitivnih osebnostnih karakteristik, dobro teoretično znanje in komunikacijske sposobnosti ter moralne in etične vrednote. Težko je z gotovostjo določiti kaj ženske v času poroda cenijo pri babici, saj je raziskav na to temo malo. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je raziskati, kaj od babic v porodnem bloku pričakujejo ženske, ki so rodile prvič ter kako vlogo babice med porodom doživljajo prvorodnice. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila kvalitativna metoda dela znanstvenega raziskovanja, za raziskovalni instrument je bil uporabljen polstrukturirani intervju. Rezultati so bili obdelani s pomočjo vsebinske analize in nato s pomočjo odprtega kodiranja razporejeni v kategorije in teme. Rezultati: Rezultate smo razdelili na naslednje kategorije: vloga babice v porodni sobi, podpora babice v času poroda in lastnosti babice v porodni sobi. Intervjuvane ženske so vlogo babice videle v podpiranju v času poroda. Največ nezadovoljstva so izrazile glede odsotnosti babice, strah jih je bilo nekaterih rutinskih postopkov, porodne bolečine in na splošno neznanega. Intervjuvanke so si želele več možnosti izbire glede porodnih položajev in več pozornosti na področju sproščanja med popadki. Idealna babica je po njihovem mnenju tista, ki ima dobre komunikacijske sposobnosti, dobro strokovno podlago ter izraža pozitiven odnos do žensk na podlagi individualne in enakovredne obravnave. Razprava in sklep: Porodna izkušnja vpliva na pričakovanja žensk glede naslednjega poroda. Babica je v svojem odnosu s porodnico pomemben akter v zadovoljstvu žensk s porodno izkušnjo. Z ustrezno komunikacijo lahko babice zagotovijo bolj enakovredno in individualno obravnavo posameznic, ter oblikujejo »dober« odnos s porodnico. Rezultati kažejo, da je obravnava porodnic še vedno bolj usmerjena v zadovoljevanje fizičnih potreb porodnic med porodom. Vloga babice se kaže v tem, da v središče oskrbe postavi žensko in nato na podlagi strokovnega znanja ter ostalih pozitivnih karakteristik spremlja porodnico skozi porodno izkušnjo.

Keywords:odnos babica – porodnica, dobra babica, kvalitativna raziskava, vloga babice, prvorodnica
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105074 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5521003 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.10.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Role and character traits of a midwife in the labour room: a perspective of primiparous women : diploma work
Introduction: The literature review reveals that a »good« midwife has many personal characteristics, theoretical knowledge, communication skills, moral and ethical values. Due to the lack of research we can not define what women value in midwives. The values and characteristics change according to different definitions, competences and actors involved in midwifery care. Purpose: In this paper we want to find out what first-time mothers value in a midwife, as well as their experiences and expectations regarding midwives that took care of them through the giving birth process. Methods: Qualitative research was used and data was collected through semi-structured interviews with each participant. The interviews were analysed with thematic analysis and subsequently the data was included in a process of coding and conceptualising results and was then compared to other data and literature. Results: The following themes emerged: the role of a midwife, support during childbirth and personal characteristics of a midwife. Women who participated in our study wanted more choices with their labour positions and more instructions on breathing and relaxation techniques. Women were scared of routine procedures, labour pain and everything unknown. They describe a »good« midwife as someone with good communication skills, professional knowledge and positive personal characteristics. In a relationship with the woman, she is an equal individual. Discussion and conclusion: Satisfaction with the first childbirth experience influences any following reproductive and gynecological choices. The satisfaction is affected by a relationship between a midwife and a mother to be. Good communication skills help a midwife perceive a woman as an individual. Results of the research show that midwifery care is still more focused on physical needs and is not holistic enough. The role of a midwife is to put the woman in labour in the centre of her care. and to help women with their professional knowledge and positive characteristics through their giving birth experience.

Keywords:midwife – women relationship, good midwife, qualitative research, midwife role, first-time mothers

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