
Doživljanje poroda s strani očeta : diplomsko delo
ID Bezeljak, Anita (Author), ID Mivšek, Ana Polona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Petročnik, Petra (Comentor)

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Uvod: Očetje so v današnjem času aktivno vključeni v družinsko življenje. Del tega je tudi prisotnost pri rojstvu otroka. Za očetovo pozitivno porodno izkušnjo je pomembno, da so ustrezno pripravljeni na porod ter, da se čutijo opolnomočene. Med samim porodnim procesom so očetje vse prevečkrat samo opazovalci in niso aktivno vključeni v sam porod. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti vlogo očetov v današnjem času, njihovo dojemanje prehoda v očetovstvo ter ugotoviti, kakšni so razlogi za njihovo prisotnost pri rojstvu otroka, kakšne občutke doživljajo med samim porodom ter kakšen odnos so imeli z babico. Metode: Pri pisanju diplomskega dela smo najprej uporabili deskriptivno metodo pregleda domače in tuje literature, ki smo jo pridobili preko spletnih baz COBISS, DiKUL, Cochrane Library, Medline, Midwifery Research, PubMed, ScienceDirect in Wiley Online Library, ter s pomočjo knjig in referenc na izbrano tematiko. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela smo uporabili kvalitativno obliko raziskovanja. Izvedli smo polstrukturirane intervjuje. Po končanem intervjuvanju smo izvedli transkripcijo in dobljene rezultate analizirali s pomočjo kvalitativne vsebinske analize s pomočjo odprtega kodiranja in kategoriziranja besedila. Dobljene rezultate smo med seboj primerjali in podkrepili z izsledki različnih raziskav. Rezultati: V raziskavo je bilo vključenih pet očetov, ki so bili prisotni pri vsaj dveh porodih svojih otrok, med leti 2013-–2017. Rojstvo otroka je po mnenju očetov najlepši trenutek v njihovem življenju. Sam porod so očetje v večini opisali kot pozitivno, a stresno izkušnjo. Med porodom, ki so se ga udeležili na lastno željo, so občutili številna zelo intenzivna čustva. Nekateri izmed očetov so bili v sam porod vključeni bolj aktivno, drugi pa so bili opazovalci dogajanja. Razprava in zaključek: Bodoči očetje si želijo biti s strani babice in ostalega zdravstvenega osebja obravnavani spoštljivo in kot enakovreden del para, ki se mu rojeva otrok. Tako se tudi oče počuti sprejet, podprt, vključen, opolnomočen, kar lahko prenaša na partnerko. Očetje izpostavljajo pomen dobre priprave na porod za lepšo porodno izkušnjo obeh partnerjev. Vse to vodi v nepozabno izkušnjo poroda in prehoda v starševstvo za oba partnerja.

Keywords:oče, porod, prisotnost pri porodu, občutki, aktivna vloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105073 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5519211 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.10.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Father's experience of childbirth : diploma work
Introduction: These days fathers are included in family life actively. Part of this is attendance at childbirth of their child. For better father’s experience of childbirth is very important that father is appropriately prepared for labour and childbirth. During childbirth fathers play too many times just passive role, and they are not active included to childbirth. After all fathers says that childbirth is the most beautiful experience in their life. Objective: The aim of diploma work was present the role of fathers during these days, how they understand the transition to fatherhood and to find out what are the reasons for their attendance at childbirth, which feelings they felt during childbirth and how their relationship with midwife was. Methods: Firstly we used a descriptive method review of Slovenian and foreign literature. All literature was acquired with the help of the union catalogue database COBISS and from internet-based databases DiKUL, Cochrane Library, Medline, Midwifery Research, PubMed, ScienceDirect and Wiley Online Library. We also used some books and other references about our topic. In the second part of diploma work qualitative research was applied. Semi-structured interviews were carried out. The collected results were analysed with a qualitative content analysis with the help of open coding and categorising. Then they were compared and corroborated with founding from other executed research. Results: In the research were include five fathers who have had at least two birth experiences of their children, between years 2013-2017. The birth of their child was the most beautiful moment of their life. Fathers told us that childbirth was positive but stressful experience. The attendance at birth was their own desire. They experienced many different intensive feelings. Some of father were included more active, some of them were more passive and they didn't play active role during childbirth. Discussion and conclusion: Fathers to be want to be present equivalent part of the pair who expect baby. They want that midwife and other health care professionals see and hear them the same like their partner. If the midwife is respectful to them and listen to their wishes, fathers feel safer, accepted, desired and more self-confidently. All of those feelings can father pass on to woman. If father is enough prepared for the childbirth with relevant information and thought that childbirth is normal but significant life event then it can lead to unforgettably experience of childbirth and transition to parenthood for both parent.

Keywords:father, childbirth, presence at birth, feeling, active role

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