
Oblikovanje in analiza filmskega plakata in tipografije
ID Nicoletti, Vita (Author), ID Pušnik, Nace (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V zadnjih desetletjih doživljamo plakate kot samoumeven del mestnega prostora, kamor se ozremo v trenutkih, ko imamo na voljo nekaj sekund odvečnega časa. Plakati so oblikovani glede na namen in cilj, za katerega so narejeni. V množici plakatov smo želeli ustvariti takšen filmski plakat, ki bi bil opazen in bi učinkovito podal sporočilo. Namen diplomskega dela je bil preučiti plakat, njegove likovne elemente, ustvariti filmske različice plakata in z analizo ugotoviti, kateri plakat je najprimernejši. V teoretičnem delu smo govorili o razvoju plakata na Slovenskem, primerjali dosežke posameznih držav na področju oblikovanja plakata, namembnost plakatov in filmske plakate. V nadaljevanju pa je govora o velikostih plakata, likovnih kompozicijah, barvah in tipografiji. Na koncu smo povzeli še vsebino filma in opisali delovanje naprave za sledenje očesnim premikom. V eksperimentalnem delu smo izdelali šest različic plakatov in naslovno pisavo v programih Adobe. Plakati se razlikujejo v kompoziciji, tipografskem izboru in uporabljenih barvah. S spletno anketo in napravo za sledenje očesnim premikom smo ocenili všečnost in učinkovitost posameznih različic plakata. Ugotovili smo, da so udeleženci najraje izbirali žive barvne odtenke, nato nepestre in na koncu temne odtenke barv. Rezultati, ki smo jih dobili s pomočjo naprave za sledenje očesnim premikom, kažejo, da z na videz boljšo kompozicijo in tipografijo lahko opazovalcu predstavimo informacije in sporočilo napačno.

Keywords:barve, film, grafično oblikovanje, kompozicija, plakat, tipografija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105064 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.10.2018
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Title:Design and analysis of a movie poster and typography
In past decades we are experiencing posters as a self-evident part of the urban space, where we look at moments when we have few extra seconds of time available. Posters are designed according to the purpose and goal for which they are made. In a plethora of posters, we wanted to create one that would be noticeable and that would effectively deliver the message. The purpose of the diploma thesis was to examine the posters, create variations of the movie poster and with the analysis, determine which poster is the most appropriate. In the theoretical part we discussed about the development of posters in Slovenia, compared the achievements of individual countries in the field of poster design, the purpose of posters and film posters. In the following, we talked about the dimensions of posters, fine arts, colors and typography. At the end we summarized the content of the film and described the operation of the eye tracking device. In the experimental work, we created six versions of posters in Adobe programs and the heading typeface. Posters varied in composition, typography and used colors. With the online survey and eye tracking device, we evaluated the agreeability and effectiveness of individual version of poster. We have found that people prefer to choose vivid shades, then pale colors at the end dark shades of color. The results obtained with the aid of the eye movement tracking device showed that with a seemingly better composition and typography we can present the information and the message incorrectly to the observer.

Keywords:colors, composition, film, graphic design, poster, typography

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