
Soočanje s samomorilnostjo v slovenski družbi in Cerkvi : diplomsko delo
ID Vidmar, Matjaž (Author), ID Globokar, Roman (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomska naloga prikazuje, kakšne poglede imata katoliška cerkev in družba v kateri živimo. Predstavljene so definicije, povezane s samomorilnimi dejanji. Obravnava, kako posamezni instituciji dojemata in sprejemata samomor danes z ozirom na preteklost in kaj to pomeni za preprečevanje samomorov in s tem zagotavljanje kakovostnejšega življenja. Naloga razsvetli različne tematike, povezane s samomorom. Prikaže tudi različne pristope, kako in na kakšen način lahko pomagamo ljudem s takšnimi nagibi. Kakšno vlogo imata pri tem družba in katoliška cerkev in kako lahko povezani delujeta v dobro ljudi. Povzete so ustanove, ki se ukvarjajo s preventivnimi ukrepi, za zmanjševanje števila samomorov. Ob tem pa so predstavljeni tudi nasveti za pomoč žalujočim ob izgubi bližnjega zaradi samomorilnega dejanja. Ključnega pomena, je tudi skrb za žalujoče sorodnike, da zaživijo zopet vsakdanje življenje. Izpostavljene so tudi institucije, ki pomagajo žalujočim v težkih obdobjih. V nadaljevanju je predstavljen tudi pogled na samomor v preteklosti in danes. Kako so se pogledi spremenili in kako se sprejemajo tovrstna dejanja. Za konec pa še primeri pogrebnih nagovorov in molitev ob pokopu samomorilca.

Keywords:samomor, pomoč, cerkev, družba, religija, asistiran samomor, žalujoči, pristopi, pogreb.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Vidmar]
Number of pages:III, 44 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105028 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7989338 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.10.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Facing suicide in Slovenian society and the Catolic Church
The diploma thesis presents the views of the Catholic Church and the society in which we live. Definitions related to such actions are presented. It examines how individual institutions perceive and take suicide today with regard to the past and what it means to prevent suicide and thereby ensure a better quality of life. The task illuminates various topics related to suicide. It also shows different approaches, how and in what ways can we help people with such inclinations. What role do society and the Catholic Church have in this role and how can they work together for the good of people? Institutions dealing with preventive measures have been summoned to reduce the number of suicides. At the same time, tips for helping the mourner with the loss of a relative because of a suicidal act are also presented. Crucially, it is also a concern for the grieving relatives to live their daily lives again. Institutions that help the mourners in difficult periods are also exposed. The following is a look at suicide in the past and today. How the views have changed and how such actions are taken. For the end, there are also examples of funeral speeches and prayer at the burial of a person who judged herself.

Keywords:suicide, help, church, society, religion, assisted suicide, mournful, approaches, funeral.

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