
Pregled trgovske in storitvene dejavnosti na Čopovi ulici v 20. stoletju. Študija primera družbene stvarnosti v Ljubljani
ID Ravbar, Eva (Author), ID Ajlec, Kornelija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi je predstavljena zgodovina danes ene glavnih trgovskih ulic v Ljubljani – Čopove ulice. Svoj trgovski značaj je dobila z gradnjo kramarskih prodajalnic na njenem severovzhodnem delu sredi 19. stoletja. Pred začetkom t. i. Ljubljanskega bazarja, je bila to ena izmed ulic v predmestju Ljubljane, ki pa je vodila do Špitalskih mestnih vrat in bila zato tudi bolj prometna. Po njej je med leti 1901 in 1958 tekla prva proga tramvaja, kasneje jo je zamenjal avtobus. Čopova ulica je prva ljubljanska ulica, ki je bila zaprta za promet. Pogosto so ji tudi spreminjali ime. Sprva so jo imenovali Slonova ulica oz. Slonove ulice, nato Prešernova ulica, leta 1949 pa je dobila današnje ime. Glavni mejnik v urbanističnem razvoju Ljubljane je bil velikonočni potres leta 1895. Stavbe, ki stojijo ob Čopovi ulici, so bile večinoma zgrajene šele po potresu. V nalogi sem med arhivskih gradivom preučevala prvotne lastnike teh stavb in njihov razvoj.

Keywords:Čopova ulica, preimenovanja, javni promet, stavbe ob Čopovi ulici.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105012 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.10.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Overview of Trade and Service Activities on Čopova street in the 20th Century. Case Study of the Social Reality in Ljubljana.
The thesis presents the history of one of the main streets in contemporary Ljubljana– the Čopova Street. It acquired its commercial character by building “kramar shops” on its northeastern part in the middle of the 19th century. Before starting this so-called the “Ljubljana bazaar”, this was one of the streets in the suburbs, which led to the Špital city gate. Therefor it has always been a busy street. During the years 1901 and 1958 the tram led on Čopova Street, later on it was replaced by a bus. Čopova Street is the first Ljubljana street, which was closed for traffic. They often changed her name too. Initially, it was named Slonova Street (Elephant Street) then Prešeren Street, and in 1949 it got its present name. The main milestone in the urban development of Ljubljana was the Easter earthquake in 1895. The buildings that lay along Čopova Street were mostly built after the earthquake. In my work, I examined the original owners of these buildings and their development among archival materials.

Keywords:the Čopova Street, renames, public transport, buildings along the Čopova Street.

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