
Intelektualec v dramatiki Primoža Kozaka : diplomsko delo
ID Judež, Brigita (Author), ID Kos, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kreft, Lev (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Primož Kozak je predstavnik prve povojne kritične generacije slovenskih intelektualcev. Zgrešil je neposredno sodelovanje v drugi svetovni vojni in komunistični revoluciji, zato je imel ravno pravšnjo distanco do revolucionarne ideologije, da jo je lahko v svojih dramah temeljito analiziral in kritiziral. Ker je bila tematika njegovih dram revolucija in z njo povezani svetovni nazori, so njegove dramske osebe razumniki, intelektualci, skozi katere se ti nazori soočajo. Da bi Kozakove osebe lahko prepoznali kot intelektualce, se diplomsko delo najprej ukvarja s pojmom intelektualca. Rezultat razmišljanja o intelektualcu je, da je to vloga, ki jo vsakokratno družbeno-politično okolje generira zaradi pomanjkljivosti družbene ureditve. To vlogo vzamejo nase tisti, ki družbeno vrzel opazijo in jo v imenu vseh ubesedijo ter se s kritiko oblasti angažirajo za univerzalno človeškost. Iz Kozakovih dramskih oseb se izluščita predvsem dva tipa intelektualcev: zastopniki pozicije totalitarne oblasti in zastopniki univerzalne avtonomnosti vseh posameznikov. Med obema pozicijama se odločajo neopredeljeni intelektualci, ki se v imenu univerzalne etike vselej odločajo zoper totalitarizem. Prav tako pa se v Kozakovih dramah razprostre temeljna problematičnost eshatoloških prevratov. Revolucionarno spreminjanje sveta vselej terja nesmiselne žrtve in je kljub svojim idejam o univerzalni dobrobiti vedno izključujoče do drugače mislečih. Tako pozicija totalitarnega intelektualca kot tudi pozicija njegovega oporečnika se skozi Kozakovo dramatiko ukineta, saj zgodovinski družbeni razvoj preseže oba. Ob koncu se torej zastavi vprašanje, kakšno vlogo intelektualca bo generirala družbena ureditev, ki nastopi po propadu totalitarizmov.

Keywords:literatura in etika, slovenska književnost, slovenska dramatika, kritična generacija, intelektualec, totalitarizem, revolucija, družbeni angažma, diplomsko delo
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Novo mesto
Publisher:[B. Judež]
Number of pages:85 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104996 This link opens in a new window
UDC:821.163.6.09-2Kozak P.:172.1
COBISS.SI-ID:61830242 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.10.2018
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Secondary language

Primož Kozak is a representative of the first post-war generation of Slovene critical intellectuals. He did not directly participate in the war nor the communist revolution since he was to young, but that ment he could distance himself from revolutionary ideology and thoroughly analyse and criticise it in his plays. The main topic of his plays was revolution and different world views about it, therefore the characters of his plays are intellectuals who are the field of confrontation of those views. To recognize Kozak's characters as intellectuals, the thesis first analyses the meaning of an intellectual. The result of the analysis is that an intellectual is a role that every single social and political environment creates because of its own deficit. This role is taken on by those who notice the void and are able to articulate it for everyone. With the criticism of the regime they publicly engage themselves for universal humanity. We can extract two main types of intellectuals from Kozak's plays: those who represent the totalitarian authorities and those who support the notion of universal autonomy of a ll individuals.Those characters who are intangible always choose against totalitarianism in the name of universal ethics. Kozak's plays also lay before us the fundamental problem of any eschatological subversion. Changing the world through revolution always takes its toll of senseless victims and although revolutionary ideas are about universal prosperity, they always exclude those who do not share the same views. The totalitarian intellectual, as well as his opposition, dissolves in the course of Kozak's plays because historical social development surpasses them both. In the end we are left with a question: What kind of role will society generate for intellectuals after the downfall of totalitarian regimes.

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