The diploma paper deals with the organizational culture, which is one of the most important elements for creating a successful strategy within the company. In diploma paper, the example was made on Porsche Slovenia d. o. o. An important finding through thesis is that organizational culture is a complex phenomenon that is slowly emerging, is built gradually and has a very important role for the organization. It represents a system of certain values, beliefs and assumptions that are common to both the employees as well as the leaders in the company. It is an understanding of the organization and the position of its employees, which the organizations actually carry within themselves, without being aware of it.
The most important part is employee satisfaction, as the performance of the company depends on it. Organizational culture is internally checked once every several years, and the changes are very difficult to implement, as this is a difficult and time-consuming process. The changing of the organizational culture is a very lengthy and multi-annual process. Organizational culture reflects any activity, management and changes within the company. Since organizational culture is the basis for competitiveness and long-term success of the company, the company must, in its work and the development of the company, pay great attention to rewarding the culture, encouraging the achievement of goals and supporting employees.