
Izolacija v romanih Stena in Mansarda Marlen Haushofer : diplomska naloga
ID Lorger, Ana (Author), ID Matajc, Vanesa (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu obravnavam motiv izolacije v romanih Stena in Mansarda avstrijske modernistične pisateljice Marlen Haushofer. Protagonistki obeh romanov gradita vidne in nevidne meje, s katerimi se oddaljujeta od družbe, ki za njiju ne najde posluha. Pri analizi se opiram predvsem na feministično kritiko, saj se protagonistke v omenjenih romanih ločujejo od vsakdanjika predvsem zato, ker je ta močno patriarhalen. Ženske v njem lahko zasedajo zgolj podrejen položaj in opravljajo gospodinjske ter materinske vloge. Ker ženske s takšno situacijo niso zadovoljne, se izolirajo skozi postopek ustvarjanja ali pa se zatečejo v svet narave. Pisava in narava jim sicer omogočata moment avtentičnosti, vendar se zaradi osamljenosti večkrat znajdejo v stanju melanholije in depresije. Fizična ločitev pri Steni onemogoča vsakršno relacijo z drugim, kar pomeni, da ženska v romanu ne more iznajdevati lastne identitete, ko pa je podvržena čistemu niču okolice. Pri Mansardi je ločitev vezana na govor. Ker ženska ne sliši, se tako popolnoma loči od besednega sveta, hkrati pa zapade v čisto tišino., Slednja nikoli ne more biti emancipatorna, zato jo spet ohromi, jo naredi pasivno, da se znova podreja moškim, ki jo obdajajo. V nobenem primeru ločitve in posledične izolacije ženska torej ne najde svobode in tako ne more vzpostaviti svoje lastne identitete. Ker niso ne pisateljica ne njene protagonistke zmožne narediti radikalne spremembe v svojem življenju, lahko edino rešitev predstavljata smrt ali norost.

Keywords:literatura in feminizem, avstrijska književnost, avstrijski roman, ženski liki, ločitev, izolacija, diplomsko delo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Lorger]
Number of pages:73 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104602 This link opens in a new window
UDC:821.112.2(436).09Haushofer M.
COBISS.SI-ID:66657122 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.10.2018
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Secondary language

In the following work I discuss a motif of isolation in the novels The Wall (Die Wand) and The Attic (Die Mansarde) Austrians modern writer Marlen Haushofer. In both novels protagonists are building visible and invisible borders, wherewith they distance themselves from the society, which is ignorant of their problems. In the analysis I focused myself in feminist critique, because the protagonists distance themselves mostly because of the patriarchal daily routine in which women are found in subordinate positions, meaning that they are put in the roles of housewives and mother roles. Main characters are not satisfied with this kind of positions in society, so that's why they isolate themselves through procedure of artistic creation or through escapism in the world of nature. Writing and nature enable them to find a moment of authenticity, though the isolation makes them depressed and causes melancholia. Physical division in The Wall prevents any kind of relation with other, which means, that woman in the novel cannot invent her own identity, because she finds herself in the middle of nothing. In The Loft is the division focused on speech. The main woman character is deaf and mute, that's why she separates herself from the world. But silence is in no way a tool of emancipation, it only paralysis her, makes her passive and inferior to the man's world. Both novels therefore show no kind of unity of woman's self. The only solution is therefore death or completely madness.

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