
Soočanje očetov z ločitvijo : magistrska naloga
ID Resnik, Sara (Author), ID Poljšak-Škraban, Olga (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Čas ločevanja in po ločitvi za vse družinske člane pomeni izredno zahtevno življenjsko preiz-kušnjo. Ker je zelo malo raziskav o soočanju očetov z ločitvijo, sem se odločila, da se bom v magistrskem delu posvetila očetovskemu doživljanju te preizkušnje. Delo bo osredotočeno tudi na soočanje z njenimi posledicami, hkrati pa nas zanimajo dejavniki, kot so iskanje pod-pore in skrb zase, sprememba identitete očeta in nadaljevanje očetovstva po ločitvi. V empiričnem delu sem na podlagi petih intervjujev z ločenimi očeti napisala poskusno teori-jo, podkrepila pa sem jo s pogovorom s socialnim pedagogom, ki ima z ločenimi družinami veliko izkušenj. Rezultati so pokazali, da se očetje različno soočajo z ločitvijo, kar je v veliko meri odvisno od težav, ki se pojavijo ob ločitvi. Večina se je ločila hitro in brez večjih zapletov, medtem ko se nekateri soočajo z obravnavami na sodišču, ki so lahko dolge in precej naporne. Psihične po-sledice velikokrat privedejo do nekaterih zdravstvenih težav, ki po določenem času minejo ali ostanejo. Največja posledica ločitve je stik z otrokom, ki je po ločitvi omejen na določene dneve ali ure v tednu ali mesecu, nekateri pa popolnoma izgubijo stik z otroki. Pomoč iščejo pri strokovnjakih, ki jim lahko pomagajo pri vzpostavitvi stikov, manj pa iščejo strokovno po-moč pri osebnih stiskah. Ves svoj interes tako usmerijo v vzpostavitev stikov z otroki. V Slove-niji je strokovna pomoč očetov glede procesa ločitve in vzpostavitve stikov z otroki zelo ome-jena, z izjemo dveh društev. Ravno pomanjkanje strokovne pomoči ločenim očetom pa lahko predstavlja ogromno možnosti za delovanje socialnih pedagogov. Magistrska naloga daje vpogled v razumevanje doživljanja ločenih očetov ter nakazuje smernice za pomoč in podpo-ro ločenim očetom.

Keywords:očetovstvo, soočanje, podpora
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[S. Resnik]
Number of pages:59 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104593 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12164425 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.10.2018
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Secondary language

Title:How fathers cope with a separation
The time of separation and the time after separation for all family members represent an extremely challenging life experience. In this master thesis I will dedicate myself to the research of fathers’ experiences of separation. I have decided to do the research from fathers’ point of view because the number of studies dealing with the topic of fathers’ experiences of separation is small. Thus, the study will focus on the fathers facing separation and its consequences, seeking support and care for themselves, changing fathers’ identities and continuing parenting responsibilities after separation. In the empirical part, on the basis of five interviews with separated fathers, I wrote an experimental theory which presents the separation through the experience of the fathers. In order to make the experimental theory more significant, I have enforced it with my conversations with a professional, a social pedagogue who has a large experience with separated families. The results of the research have shown us that fathers experience the separation differently, which depends to a large extent on the problems that arise upon separation. Most of the fathers had gone through the process of separation quickly and without major complications, while some of them had experienced court proceedings, which can be long and quite exhausting. Psychological consequences often lead to some health problems that, after certain time, either disappear or remain. The most significant consequence of separation is contact with the children, which is, after the separation, restricted to certain days or hours within a week or a month, and some fathers even completely lose contact with their children. The fathers seek support from professionals to help them establish the contacts, but they do not seek so much professional help related to personal distress. They direct all their interest towards the establishing contact with their children. In Slovenia, such professional support to fathers regarding the process of separation and establishing contact with their children is very limited, with the exception of two associations. It is right the lack of the professional support that represents a big potential for the work of social pedagogues. The master thesis gives insight into the understanding of the experience of separated fathers and indicates guidelines for supporting them.

Keywords:divorce, male, ločitev, moški

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