In my graduation thesis I dealt with Slovenian reception of Croatian writer and journalist Slavenka Drakulić. In the first part I focused on nine of her works which were dealt with by Slovenian criticism. They consist of six novels and three publications. Among the novels are Marmorna koža, Hologrami strahu, Okus po moškem, Frida ali o bolečini, Kot da me ni and Obtožena. All those works deal with the same motif - the body. The writer linked it with illness, violence, trauma and love. The body in conjunction with the disease is also the main motif of publicist work Telo njenega telesa. In the remaining two publicist works, Kako smo preživeli komunizem in se celo smejali and Basni o komunizmu, the central theme is the collapse of communism and the life in former Yugoslavia. At the end I tried to find some comparisons, especially in how the works deal with the motif of body.