
Podoba vojne pri Rožancu in Jančarju: Ljubezen in To noč sem jo videl : odnos literarnih junakov do druge svetovne vojne
ID Justin, Manca (Author), ID Kos, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V svojem diplomskem delu sem se posvetila dvema romanoma, ki sta ju ustvarila Marjan Rožanc in Drago Jančar. Dogajanje v obeh romanih je postavljeno v viharno obdobje druge svetovne vojne na Slovenskem. Fokus primerjave je na odnosu glavnih junakov do druge svetovne vojne. Kot bom v diplomski nalogi dokazala, želita oba pisatelja v svojih literarnih protagonistih izraziti preprosto ljubezen do soljudi in do življenja samega. Literarni deli pa sta vendarle že od začetka drugačni. Marjan Rožanc nemirni vojni čas prikaže skozi oči otroka (natančneje skozi oči sebe kot otroka), Drago Jančar pa drugo svetovno vojno na Slovenskem popiše s perspektiv petih odraslih ljudi. Ob tematizaciji slovenske zgodovine se bralec tekom branja obeh knjig sreča tudi z bolj osebnimi težavami junakov. Druga svetovna vojna je še danes pomembna tema številnih razprav, pomembno pa je, da jo imamo - prek medija literarne ubeseditve - priložnost uzreti tudi skozi oči pisateljev prve vrste.

Keywords:slovenska književnost, literarne teme, druga svetovna vojna, diplomsko delo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Justin]
Number of pages:[V], 32 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104555 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:64211298 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.10.2018
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In my master's thesis, I devoted attention to literary stories created by Marjan Rožanc and Drago Jančar. Both stories take place in the stormy period of the Second World War on the present territory of Slovenia. The comparison of the two works is focused on the view of the main characters on the Second World War. As I will show in the thesis, both writers wish to express simple love towards other people and life itself in their literary protagonists. Yet, the two literary works are different, starting from their beginnings. Marjan Rožanc displays the turbulent time of war through the eyes of a child (precisely through the eyes of himself as a child), whereas Drago Jančar presents the Second World War on the present territory of Slovenia from the perspective of five adults. Embedded within the thematic descriptions of Slovene history, a reader also encounters more personal problems of the main characters. The Second World War remains an important topic of numerous discussions, and it is important that we have an opportunity to entail it through the literary media from the lens of two excellent writers.

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