
Vojni obrazi : primerjava tem v romanih Menuet za kitaro in Vojaki Salamine
ID Štrus, Nika (Author), ID Matajc, Vanesa (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu sem obravnavala romana Menuet za Kitaro Vitomila Zupana in Vojaki Salamine Javierja Cercasa. Kljub temu, da je med izdanima romanoma preteklo dvajset let in da prihajata iz držav z drugačnim zgodovinskim ozadjem, lahko najdemo kar nekaj vzporednic in skupnih tem. Menuet za kitaro izpostavi etično problematiko partizanov in poizkuša podati objektiven pogled na vojno med okupatorjem in partizani. Vojaki Salamine pripovedujejo o ustanovitelju španske fašistične stranke Falange, o njegovem misterioznem preživetju, ki se konča s pripovedjo junaka Mirallesa in njegovem pogledu na vojno. Najpomembnejša stičišča romanov so v temah, kot so vojna ideologija, moralne vrednote, etične dileme, junaštvo in spomini na pokojne. Oba romana močno izražata, kako pomembna je solidarnost, človečnost. Primerjala sem zgoraj naštete teme in pričujoče delo je zaključeno delo mojega razmišljanja.

Keywords:literatura in vojna, slovenska književnost, narodnoosvobodilna vojna, španska književnost, španska državljanska vojna, ideologija, etične vrednote, diplomsko delo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Štrus]
Number of pages:27 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104552 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:62033250 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.10.2018
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Secondary language

The diploma thesis paper is a comparison of Vitomil Zupan's novel A minuet for guitar and Javier Cercas' novel Soldiers of Salamis. Despite the fact that there is a 20 year gap between the publishing of both novels and that they were published in different countries and different historical backgrounds, several parallels and common topics between the two can be drawn. A Minuet for guitarfocuses on the topic of partisan ethics and attempts to portray an objective picture of the war between the partisans and the occupier. Soldiers of Salamis, on the other hand, tells the life of the founder of Spanish Falange fascist party, his mysterious survival and concludes with a narration of the main character Miralles and his views on war. The strongest common points both novels share are ideology of war, moral values, ethical dilemmas, heroism and remembrance of the deceased. Both novels strongly underline the importance of solidarity and humanity. The author of the paper compares the above mentioned key topics and draws a conclusion of her thoughts on the topics.

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