
Znanje predšolskih otrok o ekologiji gozdnih živali : magistrsko delo
ID Repovž, Polonca (Author), ID Torkar, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Poznavanje ekologije gozdnih živali in njihovih prehranjevalnih navad je bistvenega pomena za razumevanje širših ekoloških vprašanj. To vodi do razvoja ekološko pismenega posameznika, ki se zaveda pomena trajnostnega razvoja in skuša s svojimi dejanji skrbeti za dobrobit naše in prihodnjih generacij. Pomembno je, da začnemo otroke že v zgodnjem otroštvu opremljati s takšnim z znanjem, da se bodo razvili v odrasle okoljevarstvenike, kar je zapisano tudi v Agendi 21, ki je bila sprejeta leta 1992. Pri magistrskem delu sem s pomočjo delno strukturiranega intervjuja raziskovala, kakšno je védenje oziroma znanje predšolskih otrok o ekologiji gozdnih živali (medved, jazbec, lisica, jež, močerad, sova, jelen, veverica, zajec in volk), kakšne so njihove predstave o prehranjevalnih navadah omenjenih gozdnih živali in odnosih med posameznimi gozdnimi organizmi. Hkrati pa sem tudi raziskovala, kje in na kakšen način so predšolski otroci prišli do odgovorov, ki so mi jih podali – zanimali so me namreč primarni informatorji. V raziskavi, ki sem jo opravila, je sodelovalo 50 otrok, starih 4–5 let. Ugotovila sem, da imajo otroci nekaj znanja o gozdnih živali, vendar pa je njihovo znanje splošno in v večini ni poglobljeno. Dobro so opremljeni z znanjem, kje te živali živijo, prav tako imajo tudi dokaj dobro izoblikovano predstavo o medvrstnem odnosu plen – plenilec. Pomanjkljivo pa je njihovo znanje o prehranjevalnih navadah gozdnih živali. Tudi pri opisovanju telesne zgradbe gozdnih živali in njihovih lastnosti so otroci podajali zelo skope opise. Glede primarnih informatorjev otrok sem na podlagi rezultatov ugotovila, da so to starši. Z večjim deležem pri tem prevladuje mama.

Keywords:ekologija, gozdne živali, odnosi med organizmi, zgodnje naravoslovje, primarni informatorji
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[P. Repovž]
Number of pages:VII, 58 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104272 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12136521 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.10.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Preschool children's knowledge of forest animal's ecology
Knowledge of the ecology of forest animals and their eating habits is essential for understanding broader ecological issues. This leads to the development of an ecologically literate individual who is aware of the importance of sustainable development and who, through their actions, tries to tend to the welfare of our and the future generation. It is important that we begin to equip children with such knowledge in early childhood so that they will develop into adult environmentalists, a notion documented in Agenda 21 adopted in 1992. Using a semi-structured interview my master's thesis studies the knowledge of pre-school children about the ecology of forest animals (bear, badger, fox, hedgehog, salamander, owl, deer, squirrel, rabbit and wolf), their notions about these forest animals’ eating habits and the relationships between individual forest organisms. At the same time, I also explored how and in what way the pre-school children came up with the answers provided – I was interested in their primary informants. A group of 50 children, aged 4-5 years, participated in the survey I carried out. I have found that children have some knowledge of forest animals, however, their knowledge is general and in most cases not in-depth. They are well equipped with knowledge of where these animals live, and they also have a fairly well-formed idea of the interspecific prey - predator interaction. Nevertheless, their knowledge of eating habits of forest animals is insufficient. Even when describing forest animals’ body structure and their properties, the children presented very sparing descriptions. In regards with the children's primary informants the results point to the children’s parents, with the mother playing the predominant role.

Keywords:pre-school child, science education, predšolski otrok, naravoslovna vzgoja in izobraževanje

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