
Biblioterapija kot del vzgojno-izobraževalnega procesa v vrtcu : diplomsko delo
ID Skobe, Urška (Author), ID Skubic, Darija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Otrok, otroštvo in vzgoja so trije preprosti termini, ki v sebi skrivajo življenjsko pomembne namene, funkcije in vrednosti. Poznavanje razvoja predšolskega otroka, sprejemanje, upoštevanje in spoštovanje vsakega otroka ter njegove individualnosti, vodi strokovne delavce pri izvedbi njihovega korektnega, strokovnega in avtonomnega vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela. Pedagoški poklic je velika komunikacija. Vse od načrtovanja, do izvedbe in evalvacije z otroki, refleksije pa vse do najrazličnejših sodelovanj s starši ter nenehno učenje in izobraževanje o pedagoškem poslanstvu. Poznavanje teoretskih predpostavk Kurikuluma za vrtce, osrednjega in vodilnega nacionalnega dokumenta, je prva pomembna stopnica na poti k uresničevanju pedagoške prakse. Kurikulum za vrtce vključuje veliko pristopov, metod dela in specifičnih usmeritev za upoštevanje individualnega dela. Kar nekaj pristopov je že nekaj časa sprejetih in predstavljajo nepogrešljiv del izvedbenega kurikuluma. Biblioterapija je eden izmed alternativnih pristopov, ki se v slovenskem prostoru šele dobro začel uveljavljati. Povezana je s Kurikulumom za vrtce, še najbolj s področjem jezika. Vpliva na celostni razvoj posameznika. V moji raziskavi me je zanimalo, ali vzgojitelji poznajo namen, pedagoško-terapevtski pomen in potek biblioterapije, ali se vzgojitelji čutijo strokovno kompetentne za izvajanje biblioterapije, kako in na katere načine vzgojitelji biblioterapijo vključujejo v svoje pedagoško delo ter katere kriterije uporabljajo pri izbiri literature. Svoje mnenje in dosedanje izkušnje so anketiranci anonimno zapisali v vnaprej sestavljen anketni vprašalnik. Z diplomskim delom sem želela poudariti izhodišče pedagoškega poslanstva – otrok, otroštvo in vzgoja ter razčleniti vzgojno-izobraževalni proces, v katerega vzgojitelji čedalje bolj vključujejo alternativne pristope, ki otroku omogočijo samostojno, aktivno, svobodno in kompetentno izražanje. Biblioterapija in vzgoja imata skupen cilj – ključnega pomena je proces in ne rezultat.

Keywords:biblioterapija, vzgojitelj, vrtec
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[U. Skobe]
Number of pages:65 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104248 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12132937 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.10.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Bibliotherapy as a part of the educational process in the kindergarten
Child, childhood and education are three simple terms, which hide vitally important purposes, functions and values. The knowledge of the development of a preschool child, acceptance, observation and respect of every child and its individuality, guides the educators when performing their proper, professional and autonomous educational work. Pedagogical profession is a great communication. From planning, to performance and evaluation with children, reflexion, to diverse cooperation with parents, and constant study and education about the pedagogical mission. The knowledge of theoretical hypotheses of Curriculum for Kindergartens, the central and leading national document, is the first important step towards the realization of pedagogical practice. Curriculum for Kindergartens includes many approaches, methods and specific directions for regarding the individual work. Quite a few approaches have been accepted for quite some time and they present an indispensable part of the construction curriculum. Bibliotherapy is one of the alternative approaches, which has only started to assert in the Slovenian space. It is connected with the Curriculum for kindergartens, mostly with the language field. It has an impact on the overall development of an individual. In my research I was interested in whether the educators know the purpose, pedagogical-therapeutic meaning and process of bibliotherapy, whether the educators feel they are professionally competent to perform bibliotherapy, how and in which ways they integrate bibliotherapy in their pedagogical work, and what their criteria are when choosing literature. The respondents anonymously wrote their opinions and past experience in a survey questionnaire which was compound in advance. In the diploma thesis, I wished to stress the basis of pedagogical mission – child, childhood and education, and to analyse educational process in which educators more and more integrate alternative approaches, which enable the children independent, active, free and competent expression. Bibliotherapy and education have a common goal – the result is not crucial, the process is.

Keywords:pre-school child, predšolski otrok

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