
Izrazne zmožnosti barve in oblike
ID Novak, Petra (Author), ID Stančič, Zora (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V svoji diplomski nalogi raziskujem izrazne zmožnosti barve in oblike ter njuno sovplivanje. Na začetku se problema lotim s teoretično raziskavo, in sicer z deskriptivno metodo in študijem literature. Naslanjam se na ugotovitve različnih avtorjev, od Vasilija Kandinskega, Rudolfa Arnheima pa do Milana Butine, jih med seboj primerjam in nato podprem z ugotovitvami Antona Trstenjaka in Asje Nine Kovačev o psihologiji barv. Vsa teoretična dognanja poskušam skozi diplomsko nalogo podpreti tudi z izjavami umetnikov iz knjige Slikarji o slikarstvu, s poudarkom na Henriju Matissu, ki je prav tako navdih in izhodišče za moje delo in kolaže, ki sem jih naredila v sklopu empiričnega dela naloge. Serijo avtorskih abstraktnih kolažev s poudarkom na barvi, obliki in njunem odnosu na podlagi teoretičnih ugotovitev analiziram s pomočjo metode formalne analize.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104236 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12131145 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.10.2018
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Title:Expresive qualities of color and shape
In my diploma thesis I research expressive qualities of color and shape and their interaction with each other. I began my research with theoretical analysis and study of the corresponding literature. Theoretical part leans on findings of different authors from Vasilij Kandinski, Rudolf Arnheim to Milan Butina. I compare their ideas and theses and support them by findings form psychological field from Anton Tstenjak and Asja Nina Kovačič. All knowledge and information in my diploma is also supported by thoughts and quotes from different abstract painters with focus on Henri Matisse, who was also the inspiration for my work and my collages that I made in empirical part. In the end I analyse my collages with method of formal analysis.


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