
Naravni in odpadni material kot pobuda za izkušnjo aktivnega učenja : diplomsko delo
ID Grašič, Martina (Author), ID Turnšek, Nada (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/id/eprint/5305 This link opens in a new window

Diplomsko delo predstavlja potek in evalvacijo projekta aktivnega učenja, spodbujenega s pomočjo naravnega in odpadnega materiala v skupini dveletnih otrok. V teoretičnem delu sem povzela razlage več avtorjev o otrokovem učenju in razvoju. Avtorji poudarjajo pomen spodbudnega učnega okolja, v katerem se otrok lahko aktivno uči. Opisala sem vlogo otroka in vzgojitelja v procesu aktivnega učenja. V nadaljevanju sem predstavila procesno razvojni kurikulum, ki prav tako v ospredje postavlja otroka in njegov proces usvajanja znanja. Aktivno vlogo v procesu učenja pa otroku pripisuje tudi pedagoški koncept Reggio Emilia. Empirični del diplomskega dela temelji na procesno-razvojnem načrtovanju. Otrokom sem omogočila igro z nestrukturiranim materialom (škatle različnih dimenzij, tulci, zamaški in jesenski plodovi) v spodbudnem učnem okolju ter jih tako spodbudila k aktivnemu učenju preko raziskovanja in manipuliranja s ponujenim materialom. Spodbujala sem jih k iskanju lastnih rešitev in krepila njihovo željo po ustvarjalnosti. V zaključku sem ugotovila, da so bili zastavljeni cilji projekta doseženi. Otroci so bili notranje motivirani, ponujen material je v njih spodbudil željo po raziskovanju, v skupini je zavladala boljša socialna in spoznavna klima. Povratna evalvacija dejavnosti je pokazala, da so bili skozi igro in dejavnosti otrok doseženi nekateri pomembni spoznavni cilji na različnih področjih kurikuluma.

Keywords:aktivno učenje, spodbudno učno okolje, nestrukturiran material, procesno-razvojno načrtovanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[M. Grašič]
Number of pages:55 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104188 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12121161 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.10.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Natural and waste material as an initiative for an active learning experience
The bachelor’s thesis presents the course and evaluation of the project of active learning, encouraged by means of natural and waste materials in the group of two-year-old children. In the theoretical part, I summarized explanations of several authors on the child’s learning and development. The authors emphasize the significance of encouraging learning environment where a child can learn actively. I described the role of a child and a teacher in the process of active learning. Then, I presented a process-development curriculum which also puts a child and his process of assimilation of the knowledge in the foreground. The educational concept Reggio Emilia also attributes an active role to a child in the process of the learning. The empirical part of the bachelor’s thesis is based on the process-development planning. I enabled the children to play with the unstructured materials (boxes of various dimensions, tubes, corks, and autumn fruits) in the encouraging learning environment. Thus I encouraged them to active learning through researching and manipulating with the offered materials. I encouraged them to search for their own solutions and strengthened their desire to be creative. In the conclusion, I ascertain that the set objectives of the project were achieved. The children were motivated internally. The offered material stimulated a desire to research. A better social and cognitive climate appeared in the group. The reverse evaluation of the activity proved that some important cognitive objectives were achieved through playing and the activity of the children in various fields of the curriculum.

Keywords:nursery school, vrtec

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