
Dvojezičnost in medkulturna vzgoja v vrtcu
ID Blagus, Tea (Author), ID Skubic, Darija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zaradi številnih migracij, ki so se zgodile po drugi svetovni vojni, in zaradi procesov globalizacije je naše območje postalo večkulturno. Večkulturnost ni dovolj, potrebna je medkulturnost, ki omogoča sobivanje in interakcijo različnih kultur na enem geografskem območju. Priseljenci, ki so se naselili na našem območju, s spoznavanjem okolja naletijo na marsikatero težavo, največkrat sporazumevalno. S širitvijo Evropske unije, migracij, globalizacije in z razvojem tehnologije je kontekst rabe in učenja jezika postal pomemben, skorajda nujen. V diplomskem delu sem v teoretičnem delu podrobneje predstavila dvojezičnost in usvajanje prvega in drugega jezika, opredelila sem večjezičnost in raznojezičnost, pri čemer sem spregovorila še o individualnih razlikah pri večjezičnih otrocih ter o usposobljenosti učiteljev in sodelovanju s starši večjezičnih otrok. V nadaljevanju sem se osredinila na medkulturno vzgojo, na opredelitev in cilje ter pojmovanje medkulturne vzgoje v predšolskem obdobju, podrobneje sem opisala tudi smernice za vključitev medkulturne vzgoje v predšolski kurikulum. Predstavila sem medkulturne kompetence kot pomemben dejavnik pri uresničevanju medkulturne vzgoje ter o vlogo vzgojitelja pri njenem uresničevanju. V zadnjem poglavju teoretičnega dela sem predstavila sodelovanje s starši otrok priseljencev. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela sem predstavila cilje raziskave in raziskovalna vprašanja, s katerimi sem poskušala ugotoviti, kako si vzgojiteljice razlagajo pojem dvojezičnost in medkulturna vzgoja kot enega izmed mogočih načinov dela v vrtcu, v kolikšni meri se vzgojitelji čutijo kompetentne za delo z dvojezičnimi otroki oziroma z otroki tujcev ter v kolikšni meri in na kakšen način vzgojitelji izvajajo pedagoško delo z dvojezičnimi otroki in z otroki iz različnih kulturnih okolij ter koliko so seznanjeni z jeziki in s kulturami, od koder prihajajo otroci. Nato sem predstavila analizo intervjujev in interpretacijo. Diplomsko delo sem sklenila z sklepnimi ugotovitvami, v katerih sem poudarila rezultate raziskave, izpostavila odgovore vzgojiteljic ter predstavila predloge za izboljšanje aktualne situacije in smernice za nadaljnje raziskovanje.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104137 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.12.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Bilingualism and intercultural education in the kindergarten
Due to mass migrations after the Second World War and the processes, related to globalization, our country has become a place of multiculturalism. This, however, is not the only cultural phenomenon to have emerged in Slovenia – another we ought to mention is interculturalism, a phenomenon that enables coexistence and interaction of multiple cultures, typical of a single geographical area. Immigrants who have settled in our area face several problems during the process of getting acquainted with their surroundings, and these problems are usually linked to communication. Through the phenomena such as the expansion of the European Union, migrations, globalization and development of technology, the contexts of language use and language learning have become extremely important, if not indispensable. In the theoretical part of this thesis, I present in greater detail the phenomenon of bilingualism and the processes of acquisition of the first and the second languages. I also define multilingualism and plurilingualism, mentioning further the individual differences in multilingual children, as well as the levels of competence of the teachers and the cooperation with the parents of multilingual children. Afterwards, I focus on intercultural upbringing, more specifically, on the definitions, objectives and perceptions of intercultural upbringing during the pre-school period, and then describe in detail the guidelines for the inclusion of intercultural upbringing into the pre-school curriculum. Further, I delve into the subject of intercultural competences acting as important factors in the realisation of intercultural upbringing and touch upon the role of a pre-school teacher in the realisation of intercultural upbringing. In the last chapter of the theoretical part of the thesis, I address the subject of cooperation between the teachers and the parents of immigrant children. The empirical part of the thesis presents the objectives of the research and the questions, featured in the research, the purpose of which was to establish firstly the pre-school teachers’ perceptions of the terms bilingualism and intercultural upbringing as one of many possible useful methods of working with children in the kindergarten; secondly, to establish to which degree pre-school teachers feel competent to work with bilingual children and children of immigrants/foreigners and in which way they carry out the pedagogical work with these bilingual children and children with diverse cultural backgrounds in general; and thirdly, to establish how well-acquainted the pre-school teachers are with the languages and cultures of the children. Following this, the analysis of the interviews is given and the interpretation of the results is also attempted. The thesis closes with a number of final conclusions, in which the results of the research are especially taken into consideration, the responses from pre-school teachers are highlighted and suggestions for improving the current state of affairs and guidelines for further research are presented.


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