Protecting water and farm land is ver important for our quality of life. Water protected areas (WPA) have very strict protection regimes. Because of these regimes, WPA 0 and WPA I are excluded from determinaton of permanently protected agricultural land. We have 353,990.7 ha of water protected ares in Slovenia. Purpose of this thesis, is to determine the quality of land that is included in WPA. To prove the hypothesis that there are no differences betwen protection regimes, we selected WPA for the aquatic body of the aquifier of Apaško field , Dravsko – ptujsko field, Ljubljansko barje and Ljubljana surroundings and Selniška dobrava, which have 73,153.8 ha together. According to the model of appropriateness, we determined common points for the selected WPA, by the Rules for determing the proposal of permanently protected agricultural land. We draw maps for WPA and common points, with ArcGis program. There are no differences between different protection regimes. The highest number of points is in Dravsko – ptujsko polje (15 points). To prove the second hypothesis, which says that WPA has larger number of common points, than those not included in WPA, four munucipalities were selected. These municipalities have land that is not included in WPA and land that are included in WPA which we studied in the assignment. We also drew a map of strategically important areas (extremely important, very important, important and other areas) and WPA. We found that Apaško filed has the best land, because most of the area is in extremely important areas. The other chosen WPA, are scattered of strategically important areas.