
Vpliv konfliktov na uspešnost družinskega podjetja X
ID Žilić, Jasmina (Author), ID Ilič, Branko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Družinsko podjetje je široko definiran pojem, pri katerem ni enotne definicije med strokovnjaki. Na tem področju so različni avtorji raziskovali razsežnosti družinskih podjetij. V družinskih podjetjih se prepletata dva močna in med seboj različna sistema, družinski in poslovni sistem. Prvi temelji na čustvih in vrednotah, pri čemer sta temelj drugega determiniranost in opravljanje nalog. Kljub temu prepletanju pa imajo družinska podjetja kar nekaj poslovnih prednosti pred drugimi, prav zaradi dejstva, ker je jedro podjetja družina. Zaradi prepletanja teh sistemov pride v družinskih podjetjih tudi do drugačnih konfliktov kot v nedružinskih. Vpleteni so različni družinski člani, ki vplivajo na delovanje podjetja in na reševanje konfliktov. Uspešnost reševanja konfliktov vpliva tudi na uspešnost poslovanja podjetja. Če družinski člani konflikte rešujejo sproti in z razsodnostjo, ti pripomorejo k uspešnosti in rasti družinskega podjetja. Tudi prehod med generacijami in predajo poslovanja je treba postopno pripraviti in dobro načrtovati. S tem si družinsko podjetje zagotovi uspešno poslovanje tudi s prihodnjimi generacijami vodij. Torej lahko rečemo, da konflikti znotraj družine močno vplivajo na poslovanje podjetja in na delovno klimo, vendar ne vodijo nujno v slabšo poslovno uspešnost ali propad.

Keywords:družina, poslovni sistem, konflikti, poslovna uspešnost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104000 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:35953245 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:The influence of conflicts on the effectiveness of the family business X
A family business is a broadly defined concept where there is no uniform definition among the experts. In this field, various authors researched the dimensions of family businesses. In family businesses, two strong and different systems are intertwined: family system and business system. The first is based on emotions and values. The foundation of the second is determination and performing tasks. In spite of intertwining, family businesses have several advantages in comparison to others, especially because of the fact that the core of the company is the family. Different conflicts occur in family businesses in comparison to non-family businesses because of the intertwinement of these systems. Various family members are involved. They influence the functioning of the company and solving the conflicts. The successfulness of solving conflicts, however, also influences the effectiveness of the business conduct of the company. If the family members solve the conflicts on the regular basis and with a sound judgment, they contribute to the effectiveness and growth of the family business. The transition between generations and the transfer of conducting business also needs to be prepared gradually and well-planned. Thus, the family business ensures a successful business conduct also with the future generations of leaders.

Keywords:family, business system, conflicts, business effectiveness

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