
ID Cvirn, Lenart (Author), ID Podobnik, Klemen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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To magistrsko diplomsko delo se ukvarja s predstavitvijo instituta pravila poslovne presoje oz. angleško »business judgment rule«. Gre za institut, ki izhaja iz Združenih držav Amerike in govori o tem, kdaj so člani poslovodstva (tudi nadzornih svetov) odgovorni za nastalo škodo zaradi svojega ravnanja v okviru izvajanja svoje funkcije. S tem institutom je močno povezana odškodninska odgovornost poslovodstva, saj pravilo poslovne presoje, če so podani določeni pogoji oz. izpolnjene domneve, ščiti poslovodstvo pred njihovo odgovornostjo. Tako v osnovi ne gre za standard odgovornosti, temveč dejansko za način, kako se poslovodstvo razbremeni odgovornosti. V prvem delu sledi najprej predstavitev pravila poslovne presoje, njegov izvor ter ameriško gledanje nanj, vključno z najpomembnejšo sodno prakso. V drugem delu je prikazana slovenska ureditev odškodninske odgovornosti poslovodstva in predvsem sedanji 263. člen ZGD-1 po odstavkih, kot tudi predlagana, a ne v celoti sprejeta novela tega zakona, na koncu pa še pregled nemške in hrvaške ureditve odškodninske odgovornosti poslovodstva. V tem delu je prikazano tudi uveljavljanje odškodninskih zahtevkov v praksi glede na obstoječo zakonodajo, kar pa je natančneje predstavljeno v zadnjem delu, kjer sledi analiza najpomembnejših slovenskih sodnih odločb, ki se ukvarjajo s pravilom poslovne presoje in s tem povezano odškodninsko odgovornostjo poslovodstva. Tu so na določenih mestih podane tudi kritike glede uporabe instituta pri nas, predvsem z vidika ameriškega razvoja in (nepravilnega) prenosa instituta v slovensko pravno okolje.

Keywords:pravilo poslovne presoje, odškodninska odgovornost poslovodstva, poslovodstvo, 263. člen ZGD-1, podjetniška odločitev, dolžna skrbnost ravnanja, informiranost, dobra vera, Delaware, American Law Institute
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103994 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16359761 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Business judgment rule in theory and Slovenian practice and associated liability for damages of management
This master's thesis deals with presenting the construct of the business judgment rule. This doctrine derives from the United States case-law and deals with the management's (including supervisory boards) responsibility for the damage occurred by their actions in the context of exercising their functions. This doctrine is closely linked with the civil liability of management, as the business judgment rule moreover shields them from this liability, insofar as the set conditions (or presumptions) are fulfilled. Therefore, it really isn't a standard of liability, merely a way in which the management can relieve itself of liability. In the first section, there is a presentation of the business judgment rule, its origins and the American approach to it, including the most important case-law, from which it derives. The second section deals with Slovenian regulation of management's civil liability, particularly with the current Article 263 of ZGD-1 and its paragraphs, as well as with the proposed, but not fully adopted amendment to this Act and ultimately the review of the German and Croatian civil liability regulations of management. This section deals also with applications of damage claims in practice, which is further presented in the last section, where there is an analysis of the most important Slovenian court rulings, dealing with the business judgment rule and related civil liability. In this section there are also some critics about the use of this doctrine in Slovenia, especially in terms of the American development and (incorrect) transfer of the institute into the Slovenian legal environment.

Keywords:business judgment rule, civil liability of management, management, Article 263 of ZGD-1, business decision, duty of care, informed basis, good faith, Delaware, American Law Institute

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