The master's thesis describes a development of an adapter that communicates with an accelerator control system. The adapter is a building block of a treatmen control system. The treatmen control system (TCS) and the accelerator control system (ACS) combined together control the devices contained in the proton therapy treatment facility. The proton therapy is entering in the field of a cancer treatment.
The TCS is a medical software product. Therefore the contained components (e.g. ACS adapter) of the TCS are developed according to the medical device software standards.
The TCS is based on a microservice architecture. The contained services are commincating with eachother using a request-response or publish-subscribe types of communication. The TCS is written in Java 8 and uses a varitey of libraries: ZeroMQ (a communication library), Immutables (immutalbe values generation), Mockito (generation of mocks in testing).