
Neveljavne glasovnice kot oblika protesta na primeru predsedniških volitev 2017 v Republiki Sloveniji
ID Božičko, Vida (Author), ID Uhan, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Krašovec, Alenka (Comentor)

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Protest pojmujemo kot nekonvencionalno obliko delovanja, saj posega po nenavadnih oblikah političnega vedenja, ki kršijo rutino in ustvarjajo politični pritisk. To velja tudi za namensko oddajo neveljavnih glasovnic. Udeležba na volitvah sicer spada v osnovno obliko konvencionalne politične participacije, vendar pa je oddaja neveljavne glasovnice nekonvencionalno dejanje. V magistrski nalogi sem s pomočjo preučevanja obstoječih virov in analize vzorca neveljavnih glasovnic s predsedniških volitev 2017 v Republiki Sloveniji ugotavljala namen oddaje takih glasovnic in preučevala njihovo vsebino. Analiza je pokazala, da je večina neveljavnih glasovnic oddanih namensko in da je to neke vrste politična drža določenega števila volivcev. Večina popisanih in porisanih glasovnic izraža nezadovoljstvo, zlasti s ponujeno izbiro kandidatov. Številne glasovnice pa so tudi žaljive in cinične, kar je posledica anonimnosti. Večina popisanih in porisanih neveljavnih glasovnic je tako izraz protesta, vendar pa je ta skrit in tih, saj vsebina protesta ne doseže javnosti in odločevalcev.

Keywords:Ključne besede: politična participacija, volitve, nekonvencionalna politična participacija, protest, neveljavne glasovnice.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103894 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:35861853 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Invalid ballots as a form of protest in the case of the 2017 presidential election in the Republic of Slovenia
Protest is perceived as an unconventional form of action as it induces irregular forms of political behaviour, which breaches routine and creates political pressure. The same applies to intentional submitting of invalid ballots. Electoral participation is a basic form of conventional political participation, however submitting an invalid ballot is an unconventional action. In my dissertation, I studied the purpose of submitting invalid ballot papers and their content by researching existing sources and analysing the pattern of invalid ballots from the 2017 presidential election in Slovenia. The analysis showed that the majority of the invalid ballots were submitted intentionally, and that this action is a type of political stance for some voters. Most ballots, which have writings and doodles on them, express dissatisfaction, especially with the choice of candidates. Some ballots can be offensive and cynical as a result of anonymity. Most ballots with writings and doodles are a sign of protest; however the protest is hidden and quiet as its content does not reach the public and the decision makers.

Keywords:Key words: political participation, election, unconventional political participation, protest, invalid ballots.

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