Diploma work deals with the meaning of geothermal energy as one of the most prospective renewable sources of energy. The exploitation and use of geothermal energy poses challenges and new opportunities, especially in Pomurje, where 65 % of geothermal energy in Slovenia is located.
In the first part of the work, theoretical bases in connection with the exploitation of geothermal energy and its ecological effect on enviorment are presented. In addition, important physical concepts and equations connected with the exploitation of geothermal energy are also presented. The current state of the use of geothermal energy in Slovenia and Pomurje is also described. In continuation, the work deals with use and usage of geothermal energy on the case of Bioterme Mala Nedelja where thermal water is being used within a pool complex. Two boreholes are located there with the depth of 2273 m and 1537 m. The geological structure of the area there is represented: charactheristics of both boreholes, chemical propreties of thermal water in Bioterme, the use of thermal water, and normative order of the use of thermal water. In conclusion, I also introduce a few suggestions regarding further opportunities of the exploitation of thermal water with a practical example.