
Izvensodno finančno prestrukturiranje Ponazorjeno na primeru Družbe X
ID Sitar, Klavdija (Author), ID Grilc, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Simoneti, Marko (Comentor)

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V praksi se je pokazalo, da finančni upniki pogosto pridejo do boljšega poplačila svojih terjatev, če gospodarsko družbo v težavah rešujejo s pomočjo prostovoljnega postopka izven formalnih postopkov pred sodiščem. Pri izvensodnem finančnem prestrukturiranju gre za prostovoljno/pogodbeno razmerje med upniki in gospodarsko družbo v težavah, ki ni urejeno znotraj zakonskih določb. Dogovarjanje med upniki in gospodarsko družbo je avtonomno, okvir pa mu dajejo zgolj nezavezujoči pravni viri. Zaradi tega lahko pride do pogodb z različno vsebino, ki v nekaterih delih ni nujno najbolj optimalna. Magistrsko delo uvodno na kratko obravnava alternative izvensodnemu finančnemu prestrukturiranju družbe v težavah, ki jih predpisuje in ureja slovenska zakonodaja. V nadaljevanju se ukvarja s pogoji in elementi izvensodnega prestrukturiranja, ki jih urejajo nezavezujoči pravni viri in jih prikazuje na primeru gospodarske družbe, t.i. Družba X. Del magistrske naloge se dotakne tudi delovanja bank upnic, ki so pogosto glavni udeleženec pri izvensodnemu finančnemu prestrukturiranju, kar je zaznala tudi Banka Slovenije in s tem namenom uredila njihovo sodelovanje. V luči konkretnega izvensodnega finančnega prestrukturiranja Družbe X se naloga dotakne nekaterih specifik, ki so se pojavile zaradi konkretnih okoliščin Družbe X. Preko obravnave konkretnega primera so izpostavljene nekatere težave, ki so se pokazale pri izvensodnem prestrukturiranju Družbe X ter končni rezultat izvensodnega prestrukturiranja.

Keywords:Finančno prestrukturiranje, izvensodno finančno prestrukturiranje, postopki zaradi insolventnosti, upniki, banke upnice, krovna pogodba o finančnem prestrukturiranju, dolg, reprogramiranje dolga, mirovanje, konverzija terjatev
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103887 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16364113 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Out-of-court financial restructuring Illustrated on a case of Company X
Findings show that financial creditors often get better repayment of their claims if they attempt to solve the distressed company through informal workout instead of initiating formal proceedings in court. In the case of out-of-court financial restructuring a contractual agreement between creditors and distressed company takes place which is not regulated by statutory provisions. Therefore the cooperation between creditors and the distressed company is autonomous, and the framework is given only by non-binding legal sources. This may result in contractual provisions that are not necessarily the most optimal for one or more parties. This master’s thesis first briefly discusses alternatives to out-of-court financial restructuring, i.e. formal insolvency proceedings regulated by Slovenian legislation. Further on, it deals with terms and elements of out-of-court financial restructuring as regulated by non-binding legal sources and attempts to highlight them via case of Company X. A segment of the master’s thesis also touches on the actions of banks as the most common creditors and thus the main participants in out-of-court restructuring. The important role of banks has been recognized by the Bank of Slovenia therefore it has issued recommendations for more efficient cooperation of creditor banks. In the final part the master’s thesis discusses some of the specifics that arose due to the circumstances of the Company X, the difficulties that emerged during the process and the final outcome of the out-of-court restructuring of the Company X.

Keywords:Financial restructuring, out-of-court financial restructuring, insolvency proceedings, creditors, creditor banks, master restructuring agreement, debt, debt reprogramming, standstill, debt to equity swap

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