
Vpliv gibljivosti kolčnega sklepa na pojavnost poškodb hrbtenice pri gimnastiki : diplomsko delo
ID Šumer, Tina (Avtor), ID Pajek, Maja (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Namen in cilji diplomske naloge so bili raziskati pojavnost poškodb hrbtenice (ledvenega dela) pri slovenskih telovadcih, telovadkah in ugotoviti ali je gibljivost kolčnega sklepa, v smeri upogiba in iztega, vzrok za tovrstne poškodbe. Prav tako smo želeli raziskati, ali gibljivost v kolčnem sklepu odstopa od normativov za splošno populacijo ter razlike v razponu upogiba in iztega kolčnega sklepa med oz. znotraj telovadnih panog. Naša raziskava je en izmed prvih korakov k urejanju normativnih vrednosti v telovadbi v obsegu upogiba in iztega v kolčnem sklepu, zaradi česar smo se zanjo tudi odločili. V raziskavi smo spremljali in izmerili 55 merjencev. Od teh je bilo 18 tekmovalcev moške tekmovalne orodne telovadbe (MŠG), 10 ženske tekmovalne orodne telovadbe (ŽŠG) in 27 tekmovalk tekmovalne ritmike (RG). Prvi del raziskave je predstavljalo enoletno opazovanje tekmovalcev in tekmovalk in beleženje njihovih osebnih podatkov, podatkov treningov in poškodb. Drugi del raziskave je predstavljalo merjenje pasivne gibljivosti kolčnega sklepa (iztega in upogiba), ki je bilo izvedeno s postopkom goniometrije. V enem letu se je med 55-imi merjenci poškodovalo 33%. 40% pri ŽŠG, najmanj - 28% pa pri MŠG. Vsi merjenci so pri upogibu v kolčnem sklepu presegali normativno vrednost (120˚), pri iztegu pa je normativno vrednost (25˚), presegla samo RG. Pri upogibu je bila statistično značilna razlika od normativa pri vseh panogah, pri iztegu pa je bila samo pri MŠG, tako na levi kot na desni strani. Izteg je bil pod normativno vrednostjo. Statistično značilne razlike v gibljivosti leve in desne strani kolčnega sklepa so se pojavljale med MŠG in ŽŠG na levi strani pri upogibu, pri upogibu in iztegu desne strani ter iztegu leve strani pa med MŠG in RG. Statistično značilna razlika med gibljivostjo leve in desne strani kolčnega sklepa (simetrija) je bila samo pri upogibu RG, pri MŠG in ŽŠG pa statistične razlike ni bilo. Poškodovani so imeli večji razpon upogiba na obeh straneh kolčnega sklepa, pri iztegu pa so imeli večji razpon na obeh straneh kolčnega sklepa nepoškodovani, vendar statistično značilnih razlik med poškodovanimi in nepoškodovanimi v gibljivosti (upogib in izteg) obeh strani kolčnega sklepa ni bilo. Statistično značilne razlike so se pojavile pri upogibu leve strani kolčnega sklepa nepoškodovanih med MŠG in ŽŠG in pri upogibu desne strani kolčnega sklepa nepoškodovanih med MŠG in RG. Podatki so lahko izhodišče za načrtovanje in izvedbo preventivnih treningov, v smeri nestabilnosti kolčnega sklepa zaradi prevelike gibljivosti oz. v smeri povečanega tveganja za nastanek poškodbe zaradi premajhne gibljivosti.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:kolčni sklep, gibljivost, poškodbe, telovadba
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:FŠ - Fakulteta za šport
Leto izida:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103870 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:5433521 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:27.09.2018
Število ogledov:2275
Število prenosov:663
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Influence of hip joint's flexibility on appearance of spine injuries in gymnastics
The purpose and goals of this final degree thesis were to investigate the appearance of spine injuries (lumbar spine) in Slovenian gymnasts as well as to assess whether the flexibility of the hip joint – in directions of bend and stretch – affects these injuries. Another goal was to assess whether the hip joint flexibility differs from the normal values of the general population, as well as find the differences in the range of bend and stretch of the hip joint in between different types of gymnastics. Our research is one of the primary steps in determining normal values in the range of bend and extension in hip joint. This was the key reason why we decided to complete the research. The research population consisted of 55 individuals – 18 of those participating in men's artistic gymnastics, 10 in women's artistic gymnastics, and 27 in rhytmic gymnastics. The first part of this thesis is based on a one-year observation of these individuals and analysis of their personal data, as well as practice and injury information. The second part of the project revolves around measurement of passive hip joint flexibility. The measurements were taken using goniometry. 33% of participants got injured during the one year of observation. The group with the highest percentage of injuries is women's artistic gymnastics (40%), followed by men's artistic gymnastics (28%). All participants' measured values of hip joint bend exceeded the normal values. However, the normal values for ejection were met only by the participants belonging to the rhythmic gymnastics group. Statistically significant differences between flexibility of the left and right sides of the hip joint appeared between men's and women's artistic gymnastics group during the bend on the left side. Another set of statistically significant differences appeared between men's artistic gymnastics group and rhytmic gymnastics on the hip during the bend and stretch on the right and during the bend on the left side. Statistically significant difference between the range of bend and stretch on the left and the right side of the hip joint (symmetry) only appeared during the bend of rhythmic gymnastics group – there were no significant differences with other groups. The injured population have a larger range of bend on both sides of the hip joint. On the contrary, healthy population had a larger range of extension on both sides of the hip joint. Nonetheless, there were no statistically significant differences between injures and healthy population in terms of both bend and extension on both sides of the hip joint. Statistically significant differences only appeared during the left hip bend of the healthy population between men's artistic gymnastics and women's artistic gymnastics, as well as during the right hip bend of healthy population between men's artistic gymnastics and rhytmic gymnastics. Results can be the starting point for planning and carrying out preventive training, in the direction of instability of the hip joint due to excessive flexibility or in the direction of an increased risk of injury due to insufficient flexibility.

Ključne besede:hip joint, flexibility, injuries, gymnastics

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