
Stereotipi, trenerski poklic in ženska košarka : diplomsko delo
ID Kastelic, Anita (Author), ID Doupona Topič, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je bil raziskati, v kakšni vlogi, na kakšnem položaju in v kakšnem številu se ženska kot trenerka pojavlja v ženski košarki v Sloveniji, ZDA in ženski Evroligi. Dobljeni podatki so pomembni, ne samo za bodoči ženski spol, ki se želi tako in drugače vključiti v žensko košarko, ampak tudi za razvoj ženske košarke in poklica trenerka košarke. Raziskovali smo, če res prihaja in so prisotni stereotipi, predsodki in neenakost med spoloma, ko se oseba ženskega spola želi vključiti in zaposliti kot ženska trenerka v ženski košarki, ali ko se hkrati kot moška oseba poteguje za višje vrednoteno in boljše plačano delovno mesto v športni organizaciji. S pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, v katerem so sodelovali trenerji in trenerke, ki so v letu 2017/2018 delovali kot trenerji/trenerke in/ali pomočniki/pomočnice v slovenski ženski košarki, smo raziskali trenutno stanje in položaj trenerjev in trenerk v slovenski košarki. Anketni vprašalnik je bil sestavljen iz 18 vprašanj, in sicer iz 7 vprašanj zaprtega tipa, 3 vprašanj odprtega tipa in 1 kombiniram vprašanjem. Skozi celotno nalogo smo ugotovili, da je potrebna sprememba, ne samo v ženski košarki, ampak tudi v razmišljanju sodobne družbe in neenakost bi se morala pretvoriti v enakost med moškim in ženskim spolom. Več pozornosti bi moralo biti namenjeno ženskemu športu in ženskam, ki se vsakodnevno borijo za sebe in nasprotujejo dominantnim moškim, ko posegajo v »moški svet«. Ena od rešitev je uvedba kvot, ki bi pozitivno vplivala na povečanje števila žensk trenerk in žensk na vodilnih položajih v košarki.

Keywords:stereotipi, trener/trenerka, košarka, spol, neenakost, kvota
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103868 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5436849 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Stereotypes, the coach occupation, and women’s basketball
The aim of this Master’s thesis is to investigate in what role, what position, and in which number does a woman appear as a coach in women’s basketball in Slovenia, USA and the Euro league. Obtained data is not only important for future women who want to be involved in women’s basketball, but also for the development of women’s basketball and the occupation of a female basketball coach. We researched if it really comes to, and are stereotypes, prejudices, and inequality present between the sexes when a woman wants to be included and employed as a female coach in women’s basketball, or in the case of pursuing a position of higher value and a better paid work place in the sports organization. With the help of a questionnaire, whose participants were coaches who worked as coaches or assistants in the years 2017/2018 in the Slovenian women’s basketball, we researched the current state and the position of coaches in the Slovenian basketball. The questionnaire was compiled out of 18 questions, namely, 7 questions of the closed type, 3 of the open type, and 1 combined question. Taking the whole task into consideration, the conclusion is that a change is needed, not only in women’s basketball but also in the opinion of contemporary society, so that the inequality can transform into equality between the male and female sex. More attention should be devoted to women’s sports and women, who fight every day for themselves, and who oppose the dominant males when they are venturing into the male dominated world. One of the solutions is the introduction of quotas, which would have a positive effect on the increase of numbers of female coaches and women in the lead positions in basketball.

Keywords:stereotypes, coach, basketball, sex, inequality, quota

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