
ID PIGAC, ANDREJ (Author), ID Durnik, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Večina ljudi islam pojmuje kot enoten verski monolit, vendar to ni niti blizu resnici. Vse velike vere sveta, vključno z islamom, danes sestavljajo številne različne ločine. Med temi različnimi ločinami islama je tudi vahabizem, denominacija sunitske veje islama. To skrajno konservativno versko gibanje zagovarja doktrine, ki so v ostrem nasprotju z modernimi zahodnimi vrednotami; kljub temu pa je iz vrste geopolitičnih razlogov v 20. in 21. stoletju pridobilo neverjetno moč v svetovni muslimanski skupnosti, vključno v Bosni in Hercegovini. V nalogi smo raziskovali vahabizem, njegovo zgodovino, prihod in rast na ozemlju Bosne in Hercegovine tako, da smo analizirali primarne in sekundarne vire informacij o vahabizmu na tem ozemlju ter pomembne dogodke, povezane z njim. Z deskriptivno metodo smo predstavili zgodovino, filozofijo in značilnosti vahabizma in njegove posebnosti. V okviru tega raziskovanja smo potrdili prisotnost doktrine vahabizma v Bosni in Hercegovini, njene povezave s tujimi borci in njeno počasno širjenje med prebivalstvom predvsem med revnejšimi državljani. Naloga je pomembna predvsem zaradi podrobnejše predstavitve islamske ideologije vahabizma, ki je, kljub njeni rasti v muslimanskem svetu v Sloveniji še dokaj neznana, predvsem zaradi njene novosti na območju Balkana, kamor je vahabizem prišel šele z balkanskimi vojnami. Glede na vpliv in skrajne ideje vahabitskega gibanja je ozaveščenost o podrobnostih takšnih ločin pomembna ne samo zaradi javne varnosti državljanov Republike Slovenije, temveč tudi za boljše razumevanje muslimanske vere in preprečevanje posploševanja, ki prav vse muslimane, brez obzira na njihovo pripadnost, slika kot potencialne ekstremiste.

Keywords:vahabizem, islamizem, radikalizacija, Bosna in Hercegovina, Savdska Arabija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103862 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2018
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Most people regard islam as a single religious monolith, but this is not even close to the truth. All the great religions of the world, including islam today, are comprised from a number of different denominations. Among these denominations of Islam is also Wahhabism, the denomination of the Sunni branch of islam. This extremely conservative religious movement defends doctrines that are in sharp contrast to modern Western values; nevertheless, for a variety of geopolitical reasons in the 20th and 21st century it has gained incredible power in the world's Muslim community, including in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this paper, we investigated Wahhabism, its history, its arrival and growth in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina by analyzing the primary and secondary sources of information on Wahhabism in this region and the important events associated with it. With the descriptive method we presented the history, philosophy and characteristics of Wahhabism and its special features. As part of this research, we have confirmed the presence of the doctrine of Wahhabism in Bosnia and Herzegovina, its links with foreign fighters and its slow spread among the population, especially among the poorer citizens. The task is important primarily because of the more detailed presentation of the islamic ideology of Wahhabism, which, despite its growth in the Muslim world, is still largely unknown in Slovenia, mainly due to its novelty in the Balkans where Wahhabism came only after the Balkan wars. Given the influence and extreme ideas of the Wahhabi movement, awareness of the details of such divisions is important not only because of the public safety of the citizens of the Republic of Slovenia, but also for a better understanding of the Muslim faith and the prevention of generalization that paints all muslims, regardless of their allegiance as potential extremists.

Keywords:Wahhabism, islamism, radicalization, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Saudi Arabia

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