
ID Kapele, Lea (Author), ID Sever, Tina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Upravni postopek je eden najpomembnejših postopkov, če ne celo najpomembnejši. Mednje spada tudi postopek pridobitve znižanega plačila vrtca. Ravno zaradi tega je bila želja raziskati in podrobno spoznati omenjeni postopek, saj bom v prihodnosti, ko bom imela otroke, tudi sama kot stranka udeležena v postopku. Pravna podlaga za ugotavljanje dejstev znižanega plačila vrtca je Zakon o vrtcih, Zakon o uveljavljanju pravic iz javnih sredstev in pa seveda Zakon o splošnem upravnem postopku. Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno tako, da v začetku razloži sistem predšolske vzgoje v Republiki Sloveniji, nato pa na primeru postopka pridobitve znižanega plačila vrtca razloži upravni postopek od samega začetka postopka – oddaje vloge pa do izdaje odločbe oziroma pravice do rednega ali izrednega pravnega sredstva. Glavna metoda diplomskega dela je normativna analiza zakonskih predpisov s teoretično proučitvijo znanstvenih del, ki obravnava vsebino zakona o splošnem upravnem postopku in uveljavljanja pravic iz javnih sredstev. Tekom diplomskega dela sem se podrobno seznanila s samim postopkom in na podlagi zadanih hipotez ugotovila pomanjkljivosti organa v postopku ter navedla predloge za odpravo le-teh. Diplomsko delo je namenjeno staršem kot strankam v postopku, da pobližje spoznajo sam tek postopka in pa tudi organu oziroma uradnim osebam, zadolženim za obravnavo vlog, da spoznajo oziroma svojemu znanju dodajo še dodatno znanje pri svojem delu, da bodo čim boljše in v skladu s temeljnimi načeli ZUP obravnavali vloge.

Keywords:upravni postopek, plačilo vrtca, javna sredstva, center za socialno delo, odločba
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103771 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2018
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Secondary language

The administrative procedure is one of the most important procedures, if not the most. Among them is as well the pre-school financial aid application process. The aim was to research and get a thorough understanding of the process, since in the future, when I will have my own children, I will be as a customer involved in it. The legal basis to determine the terms for the financial aid application are the Pre-School Institutions Act, the Exercise of Rights to Public Funds Act and of course the General Administrative Procedure Act. The thesis at first explains the system of pre-school education in the Republic of Slovenia and then explains the administrative procedure in the case of the financial aid application – from the beginning of it, the submission, up until the decision or the right for ordinary or extraordinary legal remedy is issued. The main method used is the normative analysis of the legislation, together with the examination of scientific work regarding the content of the General Administrative Procedure Act and the Exercise of Rights to Public Funds Act. Throughout the work I have acquainted myself with the procedure in detail. Based on the hypotheses I have determined the deficiencies in the process of the administering body, and brought forward possible solutions for them. The thesis is intended for parents as customers in the process, so that they might familiarise with it more closely, and for administering body or officials in charge for applications, who might use it to get familiar with the process or further enrich their knowledge of it. That way they could deal with the applications better and in compliance with the GAP Act.

Keywords:administrative procedure, preschool tuition, public resources, Social Work Centre

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