For determination of antioxidant values the 2.2-diphenyl-1-picrilhidrazil (DPPH) method has been used and the results presented as a percentage of discoloration of the DPPH radical. Besides common and tartary buckwheat and their two commercial products, 8 other cereals have been included in the study. Following the antioxidant values tartary buckwheat showed the highest values, in a range of 81 to 82.82 %. A larger range and lower antioxidant value of 67.40 to 74.4% was determined in the common buckwheat. In the case of market products of two varieties, flour and groats for which traceability can be guaranteed, we have determined lower antioxidant values compared to the samples grinded in the laboratory. In commercial flour we have determined 54.52 % of the antioxidant value and in the sample grinded in the laboratory 73.90 % and in groats 23.15 %. In the case of tartary buckwheat, a 75.57 % antioxidant value was measured in the commercial flour and in the sample, grinded in the laboratory 81.72 % and in groats 73.44 %. Among the selected cereals, sorghum had a maximum, 85.2 % antioxidant value, which was the highest among all studied samples. In comparison with buckwheat, other cereals had a very low antioxidant value in the range from 0 % (barley) to 23 % (spelt). With the current groats production from tartary buckwheat, variety 'Zlata', only about 2 % of the antioxidant value is lost compared to the flour production, while in the case of common buckwheat, variety 'Trdinova', as much as 30 %. According to the antioxidant values, determined in common and tartary buckwheat, compared to some cereals, we can conclude that buckwheat is a suitable source of natural antioxidants.