
Utemeljenost uživanja prehranskih dopolnil pri športnikih
ID Kavka, Eva (Author), ID Golja, Petra (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Korošec, Mojca (Comentor)

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Kot poročajo v raziskavah iz tujine, športniki uživajo veliko prehranskih dopolnil, ki vsebujejo snovi z nepotrjenim ugodnim učinkom na zmogljivost ali celo snovi, ki na zmogljivost učinkujejo negativno. Ker za slovenske športnike podatkov o uživanju prehranskih dopolnil še ni na voljo, smo v okviru magistrske naloge skušali zagotoviti prvi vpogled v razširjenost uporabe prehranskih dopolnil med slovenskimi športniki. V prvem delu raziskave smo razširjenost prehranskih dopolnil ocenili iz anonimiziranih podatkov, ki jih športniki navedejo v Obrazcu za kontrolo dopinga Slovenske antidoping organizacije, ki med drugim vključuje podatke o uživanju prehranskih dopolnil v zadnjih sedmih dneh pred doping kontrolo. V drugem delu naloge smo s pomočjo spletnega vprašalnika pridobili podatke o povprečnem številu uživanih prehranskih dopolnilih, vrsti dopolnil in druge specifične podatke o uživanju dopolnil pri slovenskih športnikih. Tretji del magistrske naloge je bil namenjen ugotavljanju smiselnosti uživanja dopolnil s pomočjo metode beleženja 3-dnevnega prehranskega dnevnika. Rezultati kažejo, da kar 69 % v raziskavo vključenih športnikov (N=389/561) uživa prehranska dopolnila. Športniki najpogosteje posegajo po beljakovinah (38 %; N=148/389), mineralih (28 %; N=107/389) in vitaminih (26 %; N=103/389). Po združevanju beljakovinskih in vitaminskih prehranskih dopolnil v širše kategorije so še vedno v ospredju beljakovine (56 %), sledijo vitaminska prehranska dopolnila (43 %), tretja najpogostejša dopolnila pa so minerali (28 %). Največ športnikov vključenih v drugi del naloge (48 %; N=39/81) se je za uživanje dopolnil odločilo na podlagi lastnega znanja, drug najpogostejši vzrok pa je, da jim je tako svetoval trener (32 %). Podatki analize upravičenosti uživanja prehranskih dopolnil pri treh športnikih, ki so natančno beležili prehranski dnevnik, kažejo, da bi nekatera izmed prehranskih dopolnil, ki jih uživajo, lahko bila koristna (v primeru njihove kakovosti in neoporečnosti), saj bi lahko ublažila pomanjkanje določenega hranila, ki se pojavi zaradi neustrezne športnikove prehrane; očitno pa je bilo tudi, da športniki nekatera dopolnila uživajo neutemeljeno. Rezultati kažejo, da bi bilo športnike in njihove trenerje smiselno bolje izobraziti o različnih vidikih uporabe prehranskih dopolnil.

Keywords:prehrana, športniki, prehrana športnikov, prehranska dopolnila, prevalenca, beljakovine
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[E. Kavka]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103639 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4938104 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2018
KAVKA, Eva, 2018, Utemeljenost uživanja prehranskih dopolnil pri športnikih [online]. Master’s thesis. E. Kavka. [Accessed 8 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Justification for the use of dietary supplements by athletes
As reported in research from abroad, athletes use many dietary supplements that contain substances with unconfirmed performance effect or even substances that have a negative effect on performance. Since there are no data available about the use of dietary supplements among Slovenian athletes, we tried to provide the first insight into the prevalence of dietary supplement use among Slovenian athletes. In the first part of the thesis, the prevalence of supplements was estimated from anonimised data stated on the Doping Control Form of the Slovenian Antidoping Organisation, which also includes information on the dietary supplement use in the last seven days prior to doping control. In the second part of the thesis we used an online questionnaire to obtain data about the average number of dietary supplements consumed by Slovenian athletes, type of supplements used, and other specific data about the dietary supplement use. In the third part of the thesis we examined whether the use of dietary supplements is grounded or not with the method of a 3-day nutritional diary. The results demonstrate that as much as 69 % of the athletes involved in the first part of the study (N = 389/561) used dietary supplements in the 7 days prior to completion of their Doping Control Form. The most commonly used supplements by the Slovenian athletes were proteins (38 %; N=148/389), minerals (28 %; N=107/389) and vitamins (26 %; N=103/389). After grouping of protein and vitamin supplements to wider categories, proteins are still most commonly used (56%), followed by vitamin supplements (43%) and minerals as third most common supplement (28%). Most athletes included in the second part of the thesis (48 %; N = 39/81) decided to use dietary supplements based on their own knowledge, while the second most common reason was the advice of their coach (32 %; N=26/81). In the last part of the thesis we observed that some of the dietary supplements, used by the three athletes who completed their 3-day nutritional diary precisely enough, could be beneficial (provided they are of high enough quality and irreproachable) in counteracting the deficiency of a particular nutrient, present due to unbalanced diet; yet, it was obvious that sportsmen used some of the dietary supplements groundlessly. The results of the thesis demonstrate that education of sportsmen and their coaches about different aspects of dietary supplement use should be improved.

Keywords:nutrition, athletes, sports nutrition, dietary supplements, prevalence, proteins

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