We investigated the anatomical and functional properties of compound eyes and ocelli of the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens, Linnaeus, 1758). We used macro photography, light and electron microscopy, spectrophotometry and electrophysiological measurements. The compound eyes have open rhabdom and neural superposition. The peripheral photoreceptors have three types of spectral sensitivity: UV-blue, blue, and green. The different spectral types are regionalized so that the short-wavelength receptors are located ventrally, and long-wavelength receptors dorsally. The central photoreceptors were sensitive to UV and green and some had high polarization sensitivity. The cornea of compound eyes is iridescently colored with structural colors, but the coloration does not affect the spectral sensitivity of the photoreceptors. ERG of ocelli suggests that they contain three spectral classes of photoreceptors, UV, blue and green. The data were used to design the optimal lamps for indoor rearing of the black soldier flies.