
Preiskave strižne nosilnosti zidovine iz sodobnih opečnih votlakov : diplomska naloga
ID Emkić, Amel (Author), ID Bosiljkov, Vlatko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Klun, Martin (Comentor)

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Zidarska industrija v zadnjem času razvija opečne zidake z izboljšanimi termičnimi lastnostmi in zidake, pri katerih so votline polnjene s toplotnoizolacijskim materialom (mineralno volno). Horizontalne spojnice takšnih zidakov so brušene in se jih skupaj povezuje s tankoslojno malto ali z enokomponentnim poliuretanskim lepilom. Navedene izboljšave oblike in lastnosti zidakov na tlačno nosilnost zidovine bistveno ne vplivajo, lahko pa bi imele vpliv na obnašanje zidanih konstrukcij v potresnih razmerah. V okviru diplomske naloge so predstavljeni rezultati preiskav začetne strižne trdnosti zidovine, izvedenih na štirih tipih zidovine. Pri tem sta kombinirana dva različna tipa zidakov proizvajalca Wienerberger Opekarna Ormož d.o.o. (Porotherm 38 IZO Profi in Porotherm 38 S P+E) z veznimi gradivi, in sicer z malto za splošno uporabo, s tankoslojno malto in z enokomponentnim poliuretanskim lepilom. V nalogi je skladno s standardom SIST EN 1052-3 določena karakteristična začetna strižna trdnost zidovine f_vk0 in karakteristični koeficient trenja μ_f. V zadnjem delu sledi diskusija o dobljenih rezultatih strižne trdnosti zidovine in primerjavi dobljenih vrednosti f_vk0 in μ_f s priporočenimi vrednostmi iz standarda SIST EN 1996-1-1. Za prikaz poteka napetosti v zidani prizmi in predvidevanje porušnega mehanizma je izdelan še numerični model v programu SAP2000.

Keywords:zidane konstrukcije, opečni votlaki, strižna trdnost zidovine, začetna strižna trdnost zidovine, strižni porušni mehanizem, triplet test
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[A. Emkić]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103588 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8578145 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Shear triplet tests of contemporary masonry assembled from hollow clay units : graduation thesis
In the last few years, masonry industry started developing hollow clay units with improved thermal properties and insulating clay blocks, filled with mineral wool. For such precision-ground blocks, bed joints are bonded with thin layer mortar or single-component polyurethane adhesive. These improvements do not significantly affect on the compressive strength of masonry, but could have an effect on the behavior of masonry structures in seismic conditions. In this thesis we present the results of triplet shear tests, prepared on four types of masonry. Specimens were made from different combinations of hollow clay units produced by Wienerberger Opekarna Ormož (Porotherm 38 IZO Profi and Porotherm 38 S P+E) with general purpose mortar, thin layer mortar and PU adhesive. According to Slovenian standard SIST EN 1052-3, a characteristic initial shear strength of masonry f_vk0 and characteristic friction coefficient μ_f were determined. In the last part, we discuss experimental test results and compare them with recommended values in the Slovenian standard SIST EN 1996-1-1 (Eurocode 6). A numerical model in SAP2000 was also prepared to show stress distribution and predict failure mechanism.

Keywords:masonry, hollow clay units, shear strength, initial shear strength, shear failure mechanism, shear triplet test

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