
Primerjava doživljanja medosebnih odnosov pri edincih in dvojčkih : magistrsko delo
ID Mikuž, Urška (Author), ID Cvetek, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu avtorica predstavi življenje edincev in dvojčkov. Zanimalo jo je, kako doživljajo medosebne odnose edinci in kako dvojčki, ali se razlikujejo v doživljanju svoje vloge v družini, v doživljanju povezanosti s svojimi starši in drugimi bližnjimi osebami, v doživljanju svojega odraščanja, v doživljanju partnerstva ter v svojih predstavah o edincih in dvojčkih. V teoretičnem uvodu tako predstavi nekaj splošnih podatkov o edincih in dvojčkih, nato naredi pregled življenjskega procesa edincev in dvojčkov (od prvih let življenja do starosti), na koncu pa razišče še vpliv mitov in okolice na oblikovanje posameznikove identitete. V empiričnem delu pa avtorica predstavi podatke, pridobljene z intervjujem z edinci in dvojčki. Podatke je obdelala s kvalitativno metodo analizo vsebine, v kateri je transkripte intervjujev z edinci in dvojčki analizirala na temelju štirih glavnih kategorij: povezanost s starši in z drugimi bližnjimi osebami, odraščanje, partnerstvo in starševstvo ter oblikovanje osebnosti in odziv okolice. Posamezne dele besedil (transkriptov) je primerjala s kategorijami in jih kodirala, potem je po posameznih kategorijah kvalitativno primerjala odgovore edincev in dvojčkov, na koncu pa je še kvantitativno primerjala frekvence odgovorov v obeh skupinah. Največje razlike so se pokazale na področju oblikovanja osebnosti in odziva okolice, v ostalih treh kategorijah pa večjih razlik med skupinama ni bilo. Kot glavno težavo avtorica zaznava prisotnost raznih mitov in predsodkov, ki so se skozi zgodovino oblikovali in še danes krojijo marsikatero življenje edinca in dvojčka. Splošni stereotipi, ki naj bi veljali za ti dve skupini, lahko vplivajo na posameznikovo življenje in na oblikovanje lastne identitete. Ob tem je smiselno dodati dejstvo, da je vsak posameznik edinstven in da ga je potrebno spoznati v celoti in ne samo na podlagi lastnih predstav.

Keywords:edinec, dvojček, doživljanje, življenjski proces edincev in dvojčkov, miti in predsodki, oblikovanje osebnosti in odziv okolice
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[U. Mikuž]
Number of pages:X, 84, IV str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103567 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7965786 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of the experience of interpersonal relations between the only children and twins
In the master's thesis, the author presents the life of the only children and twins. She was interested in how the interpersonal relationships of the only children and the twins, whether they differ in their role in the family, in their relationships with their parents and other close relatives, in experiencing their growing up, in experiencing the partnership, and in their perceptions of only children and twins. In the theoretical introduction, she presents some general data on only children and twins, then she makes a review of the life process of the only children and twins (from the first years of life to the age), and ultimately explores the influence of myths and the environment on the formation of an individual's identity. In the empirical part, the author presents the data obtained through an interview with only children and twins. The data was processed using a qualitative method of analyzing the content, through which we obtained four main categories: relationships with parents and other close people, growing up, partnership and parenting, and the formation of personality and the response of the environment. The author's main categories were elaborated in detail with the help of other subcategories, and then linked them to the presented theory. As the main problem, the author perceives the presence of various myths and prejudices, which have shaped and shaped many of the lives of the only children and twins today. The general stereotypes that should apply to these two groups can affect the individual's life and the formation of one's own identity. In addition, it makes sense to add the fact that each individual is unique and needs to be fully understood, and not only on the basis of his own performances.

Keywords:only child, twin, experience, life process of only children and twins, myths and prejudices, personality design and environmental response

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