
Plesalci, prosti čas in vključevanje v družbo : diplomsko delo
ID Strle, Urša (Author), ID Doupona Topič, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Prosti čas je čas, ki ga vsak posameznik izkoristi glede na potrebe in posledično presojo o uporabi le-tega časa. Lahko je dobro ali slabo izkoriščen čas. Čas, ko se telo sprosti, takrat si izbiramo dejavnosti, ki nas pomirijo in nam dajo energijo za naslednji dan. Ples je ena izmed dejavnosti, s katero se lahko ukvarjamo v prostem času. Tekom pisanja diplomskega dela smo ugotovili, na kakšen način današnja mladina preživlja prosti čas. Primerjali smo mlade plesalce in njihove sorojence (brate in sestre) ter raziskovali, ali so razlike posledica družinskega ali družbenega okolja. Med mlade plesalce smo razdelili vprašalnike, ti pa so jih predali svojim bratom ali sestram. Cilji našega raziskovanja so bili usmerjeni k ugotavljanju razlik med pari plesalec–plesalec (PP) in plesalec–neplesalec (PNP). Prišli smo do ugotovitve, da med skupinama ni razlike glede količine preživetega časa s prijatelji. Tudi glede ukvarjanja s športom nismo mogli dokazati razlik. Ne glede na skupino se mladi v prostem času veliko zadržujejo v naravi in pripravljajo na šolo/delo. Razlike nastajajo v količini prostega časa, ki ga posvečajo plesu. Seveda pari plesalec–plesalec (PP) več časa posvetijo plesu tudi v svojem prostem času. V primerjavi s pari plesalec–neplesalec (PNP) manj časa preživijo pred televizijo in več časa namenijo glasbi. Mladi najpogosteje tkejo nova poznanstva na plesnih tekmovanjih (PP) ter v šoli/službi. Za vključevanje v družbo, spoznavanje novih in ohranjanje že navezanih stikov zelo pogosto uporabljajo internet in posledično različna socialna omrežja. Mladi imajo najboljšega prijatelja in to je najpogosteje vrstnik ali vrstnica. Povprečno menijo, da imajo dovolj prostega časa, je pa odvisno predvsem od same količine in organizacije časa, ki ga imajo na voljo. Ker se mladi zavedajo, da je druženje pomembno, bi se, če bi imeli več prostega časa, pogosteje družili s prijatelji. Glede stališč sta si obe skupini zelo blizu. Opaziti pa je, da so aktivni plesalci bolj dovzetni za postavo in zunanji izgled.

Keywords:plesalci, prosti čas, družba
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103557 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5424561 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Dancers, leisure and social integration
Leisure is the time that each individual spends based on his or her needs and consequently his or her own judgement regarding such time. This time can be well-spent or poorly-spent. It is the time during which the body can relax, it is when we choose activities that calm us and give us energy for the next day. Dance is one of the activities in which we can take part in our spare time. While writing this thesis we discovered how young people today spend their free time. We compared young dancers and their siblings (brothers and sisters), as well as explored whether the differences are due to their family or social environment. Questionnaires were distributed among young dancers, who passed them on to their brothers or sisters. The goal of our research was to determine the differences between the dancer–dancer (PP) and dancer–non-dancer (PNP) pairs. We discovered that there were no differences between the two groups regarding the time spent with friends. Moreover, we could not establish any dissimilarities with regard to sports. Regardless of group, the young tend to spend a lot of their time in nature and preparing for school/work. The differences are shown in the amount of time they spend dancing. Needless to say dancer–dancer (PP) pairs devote more time to dancing even in their spare time. They spend less time watching TV and set aside more time for music than dancer–non-dancers (PNP) pairs. Young people most frequently make new acquaintances in dance competitions (PP) and at school/work. For the purposes of integrating into society, making new acquaintances and maintaining existing ones they generally use the Internet and also different social networking sites. Young people have a best friend; who is most often their male or female peer. On average they think that they have enough free time, but this opinion mostly depends on the amount and the organization of time available to spare. The young are aware of the fact that socialization is important and they would socialize with their friends more if they had more free time. Both groups share similar opinions. Nevertheless, it can be noticed that active dancers are more aware of their figure and look.

Keywords:dancers, leisure, spare time, free time, society

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