
ID LEKŠE, ANJA (Author), ID Aristovnik, Aleksander (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Od nastopa svetovne gospodarske krize, torej od leta 2008, se je postopoma povečevalo število brezposelnih, posledično pa tudi število prejemnikov denarne socialne pomoči tako v Sloveniji kot tudi v Avstriji. Namen tega dela je raziskati denarno socialno pomoč v Sloveniji (kdo so upravičenci, kakšni so pogoji za pridobitev ter kolikšna je višina pomoči) in podatke primerjati z Avstrijo. V diplomskem delu so uporabljeni statistični podatki, ki so javno dostopni na spletnih straneh različnih ministrstev v Avstriji in Sloveniji. Med seboj sem podatke primerjala in tako dobila želene podatke. V diplomskem delu je uporabljena še metoda deskripcije, na podlagi podatkov iz knjig in elektronskih virov sem opredelila osnovne pojme. Pri analizi podatkov sem ugotovila, da je višina denarne socialne pomoči v obeh državah različna, malce se razlikuje tudi sistem dodeljevanja. V Avstriji je sicer minimalni dohodek višji kot v Sloveniji, prav tako je število prejemnikov denarne socialne pomoči za slab odstotek višje kot pri nas. V obeh državah je potrebno izpolnjevati določene pogoje za pridobitev pomoči in biti aktiven iskalec zaposlitve. Denarna socialna pomoč nima vpliva na trg dela oz. je njen vpliv res minimalen, saj je minimalna plača v obeh državah višja od denarne socialne pomoči, ki jo prejme brezposelni. Ima pa trg dela vpliv na denarno socialno pomoč, saj manj kot je prostih delovnih mest in nižja kot je rast, več je brezposelnih ter s tem več socialno ogroženih, ki prejemajo denarno socialno pomoč. Ko oseba dlje časa prejema denarno socialno pomoč, se težje vrne na delo: raziskave kažejo, da se ljudje, ki so v Sloveniji dlje časa brezposelni in prejemajo denarno socialno pomoč, težje vrnejo na delovno mesto, v Avstriji pa ta problem rešujejo z raznimi dodatki za ponovno delo in tako spodbujajo ponoven vstop na trg dela.

Keywords:denarna socialna pomoč, socialno varstvo, socialna varnost, Slovenija, Avstrija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103539 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2018
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In 2008, when the global financial crisis has begun, the number of unemployee has increased and consequently the number of recipients of financial social assistance in Slovenia and Austria. The purpose of this work is to research the financial social assistance in Slovenia, who is entitled to, what are the conditions to receive and the amount of social help and then compare it with Austria. In this thesis are used statistical data that are publicly available on the websites of various ministries in Austria and Slovenia. I compared the statistical data to get the desired data. I To define basic concepts I also used the method of description, on the basis of data from books and electronic sources. At analyzing the data, I found that the amount of financial social assistance varies in both countries also the allocation is slightly different. In Austria, the minimum income is higher than in Slovenia, and the number of recipients is also higher by one percentage. In both countries, it is necessary to fulfill certain conditions to get financial social assistance and to be an active jobseeker. Financial social assistance has no impact on the labor market or it's really minimal, because the minimum salary in both countries is higher than the financial social assistance, received by the unemployed. However, the labor market has an impact on financial social assistance, less than vacancies are, lower than growth is, more is unemployed people, and thus more socially deprived people receiving financial social assistance. On research in Slovenia, it is considered that for a long time when someone is unemployed and receiving financial social assistance, it's harder to return to work, but in Austria this problem is solved with various re-work supplements to encouraging re-entry into the labor market.

Keywords:financial social assistance, social welfare, social security, Slovenia, Austria

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