
Pomen percepcije barve v zobni protetiki : diplomsko delo
ID Katanec, Urška (Author), ID Birsa, Dare (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Zagoričnik, Mirjana (Comentor), ID Rojko, Franc (Comentor)

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Uvod: V današnjem času je z vidika funkcionalnosti in estetike zobnega nadomestka vloga barve enako pomembna kot njegova morfološka oblika. Na vidno percepcijo laboratorijskega izvajalca ali zobozdravnika, ki določa barvo zob, vplivajo številni dejavniki: kvaliteta vida, utrujenost, izkušnje ter življenjski slog terapevta, osvetlitev prostora, okolica in kontrasti v njej. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je pripraviti teste, s katerimi bi preverili barvno percepcijo testiranca. S pomočjo literature želimo predstaviti pomen natančne določitve barve zob, pomembnost poznavanja teorije o barvi ter poznavanja dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na človeško vidno zaznavanje. Predpostavljamo, da bi lahko laboratorijski izvajalec z napako v barvnem vidu imel težave v barvnem tonu izbiranja barve zob. Z izdelanima kovinsko-porcelanskih zobnima nadomestkoma, kjer je vsak posamezni zob v drugem barvnem tonu ali nasičenosti, smo želeli prikazati, da so razlike opazne in z vidika estetike nesprejemljive. Metode dela: V uvodnem delu je uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela s pregledom obstoječe literature. V raziskovalni namen smo uporabili metodo barvnega testa Ishihara, metodo določanja barve na podlagi barvnega ključa VITA System 3D-Master ter barvnega ključa VITA Linearguide 3D-Master. Preverili smo vpliv simultanega ali sočasnega kontrasta na vidno zaznavanje testirancev. Testirali smo 28-letnega študenta laboratorijske zobne protetike in 21-letno študentko delovne terapije. Izdelana sta bila mostiček ter solo prevleka v kovinsko-porcelanski tehniki. Rezultati: Testiranec je od 38 plošč Ishihara testa napačno zaznal oblike na 16 ploščah. Od 6 tablic barvnega ključa VITA Linearguide 3D-Master je v barvnem ključu VITA System 3D-Master pravilno določil par 3 tablicam. Njegovo napačno odstopanje je bilo v dimenziji barvnega tona barve. Dimenzijo svetlosti in nasičenosti barve je pravilno določil pri vseh tablicah barvnega ključa. Testiranka je rešila pravilno vse barvne teste. V zobnem laboratoriju smo po metodi kovinsko-porcelanske tehnike izdelali mostiček na zobeh od 24 do 26 ter kovinsko-porcelansko prevleko na zobu 11. Vsak posamezni zob je izdelan v drugačnem barvnem tonu ali nasičenosti, vendar v enaki svetlostni dimenziji barve. Razprava in sklep: Poznavanje barvne teorije in dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na človeško barvno presojo, je ključnega pomena za ustrezno določitev barve zobnega nadomestka. Pomanjkljivosti v vidnem ali barvnem zaznavanju človeško telo uravnovesi z občutljivejšim zaznavanjem na drugem čutilnem mestu. V našem primeru se je izkazalo, da je testiranec z motnjo v barvnem zaznavanju dosti bolj občutljiv na svetlostno dimenzijo barve. Z znanjem o barvni teoriji in z digitalnimi pripomočki lahko uspešno opravlja delo v zobnem laboratoriju. Testiranka je bila pri vseh barvnih testih 100 odstotno uspešna, kar kaže na izredno dobro barvno zaznavanje. Barvni testi, ki smo jih pripravili, so se v primeru testiranca izkazali za učinkovite in objektivne, vendar bi morali za bolj relevanten rezultat testirati večjo populacijo ljudi. Z izdelanim mostičkom in prevleko v kovinsko-porcelanski tehniki, kjer je vsak zob v drugačnem barvnem tonu ali nasičenosti, vendar v enaki svetlosti, smo nazorno prikazali, kako pomemben je pravilen izbor barve v zobni protetiki, saj so meje med različnimi barvnimi odtenki jasno vidne ter estetko nedopustne.

Keywords:barva, barvne dimenzije, kolorimetrija, vidno zaznavanje, barvna slepota, Ishihara test, VITA 3D Master barvni ključ
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103516 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5487979 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:The importance of colour perception in dental prosthetics : diploma work
Introduction: Considering a functional and an aesthetically suitable prosthetics substitute, nowadays the colour is as important as the morphological shape is. Visual perception of the dentist or laboratory assistant when she/he determines the teeth colour is influenced by several factors. Those include sight, tiredness, experience and lifestyle of the therapist, the brightness of the room, the environment and the contrast present in the room. Purpose: The purpose of diploma work is to make up tests, which would be suitable to examine the visual perception of tested people. By the help of the literature, we would like to present the importance of the accurate teeth colour determination, the significance of both the colour theory knowledge and knowledge about factors that influence to the human visual perception. We assume that the laboratory assistant with a colour perception deficiency might have a problem with a hue. With manufactured metal-ceramic tooth bridge and solo-crown where each tooth is in different hue and colour saturation we would like to demonstrate that differences are noticeable and in terms of aesthetics unacceptable. Methods: In the introduction the descriptive method is used together with the overview of found literature. For research purposes we used the Ishihara colour test method and colour determination method based on VITA System 3D-Master dental key and VITA Linearguide 3D-Master dental key. We checked the influence of simultaneous contrast on visual perception of the people tested. A 28-year-old Laboratory Dental Prosthetics male student and a 21-year-old Work Therapy female student were tested. A tooth bridge and a solo crown in metal-ceramic lab technique were made. Results: Out of 38 Ishihara plates the male student answered 16 of them incorrectly. He correctly matched together 3 plates out of 6 VITA Linearguide 3D-Master dental key plates. The deviation was always in the hue of colour dimension. The dimensions of brightness and colour saturation were correct in all dental key plates. The female student completed all the tasks correctly. In the dental laboratory we used the metal-ceramic laboratory technique to make a bridge from tooth status 24 to 26 and a crown on tooth 11. Each crown is made in a different hue or in different colour saturation but in the same brightness dimension of the colour. Discussion and conclusion: The knowledge of the colour theory and the factors affecting human colour perception are of key importance for a suitable colour choice of a dental substitute. The deficiency in the visual or in the colour perception are balanced with a subtler perception in another area. In our test case it has turned out that the testee with a deficiency of colour perception is much more sensitive to the brightness dimension of the colour. With the knowledge of colour theory and digital aids he can successfully work in a dental laboratory. The female testee was 100 percent successful in all colour tests. The colour tests performed by us proved as effective and objective in our case test. For a more relevant results, larger test population is needed. The importance of the correct choice of colour in dental prosthetics has been clearly shown by the bridge and the crown in the metal-ceramic laboratory technique, where each tooth is made in different colour or in different saturation but in the same brightness. The borders between different shades of colour have been clearly visible and aesthetically inadmissible.

Keywords:colour, colour dimensions, colourimetry, visual perception, colour blindness, Ishihara test, VITA 3-D Master tooth colour guide

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