
Primerjava morfoloških lastnosti in pridelka različnih sort jajčevcev (Solanum melongena L.) primernih za gojenje v posodah
ID Gregorič, Mija (Author), ID Slatnar, Ana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Poskus je bil opravljen z namenom, da ugotovimo katera sorta jajčevca (Solanum melongena L.) je najbolj primerna za gojenje v posodah. Poskus je potekal od maja do septembra 2017, na goriškem. Poskus je bil izveden s štirimi različnimi sortami: 'Jackpot F1', 'Pinstripe F1', 'Genovese Minny F1' in sorta 'Matrona F1'. Setev je bila opravljena 29. marca 2017. Sejančke smo 3. maja 2017 presadili v lončke premera 10 cm. V večje posode smo jih presadili 23. maja 2017. Pridelek smo pobirali od 2. julija do 24. septembra 2017. V poskus je bilo vključenih po 5 rastlin vsake sorte. Pri rastlini smo vsakih 14 dni merili višino in širino grma. Plodove smo stehtali jim izmerili dolžino in širino, obarvanost ter čvrstost. Prvo obiranje je bilo opravljeno 2. julija, zadnje pa 24. septembra. Ugotovili smo, da je za gojenje v posodah na balkonu najprimernejša sorta 'Jackpot F1'. Sorta je imela največ plodov, njena rast pa je bila zelo zbita. Rastline so bile v povprečju visoke 70,2 cm. Od cvetenja do tehnološke zrelosti so plodovi v povprečju potrebovali 26,6 dni. Posamezni plodovi so bili povprečno težki 55,5 g. Sorta 'Pinstripe F1' je imela 48 % manj plodov od sorte 'Jackpot F1'. Povprečna končna višina rastline je bila 74,6 cm. Plodovi pri tej sorti so bili najbolj čvrsti, izmed preskušanih sort. Sorta 'Genovese Minny F1' je imela 45 % manj plodov od sorte 'Jackpot F1'. Najslabše rezultate smo zabeležili pri sorti 'Matrona'. To smo tudi pričakovali, saj gre za sorto, ki je v Sloveniji najbolj razširjena v pridelavi, ni pa ta sorta posebej žlahtnjena na lastnosti, ki se jih želi pri sortah, ki jih gojimo v posodah. Rastline so v povprečju dosegle najvišjo končno višino, 99 cm. Plodovi so v povprečju tehtali 103,6 g.

Keywords:jajčevec, Solanum melongena, posode, pridelek, morfološke značilnosti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[M. Gregorič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103511 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:9036153 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of morphological characteristic and yield of different eggplant varieties (Solanum melongena L.) suitable for container growth
The experiment was carried out in order to find out which variety of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) is most suitable for growing in containers. The experiment took place from May to September 2017 in Goriška. The experiment was carried out with four different varieties: 'Jackpot F1', 'Pinstripe F1', 'Genovese Minny F1' and 'Matrona F1'. The sowing was done on March 29, 2017. On 3 May 2017 little plants were transplanted in pots of 10 cm diameter. We transplanted them into larger containers on May 23, 2017. The crop was harvested from July 2 to September 24, 2017. In the experiment were included five plants of each variety. We monitored plant growth, quantity and quality of fruits. For the plant, we measured the height and width of the bush every 14 days. We measured the weights of the fruits, length, width, color and firmness. We also evaluated the shape of each fruit. The first harvest was carried out on 2 July and the last on 24 September. We have found that for cultivation in containers on the balcony, the most suitable variety is 'Jackpot F1'. It had the most fruits, and its growth was very compact. Average of high plants were 70,2 cm. Fruits were grow on average 26,6 days. Individual fruits weight were 55,5 g. The 'Pinstripe F1' variety had 48% less fruit than variety 'Jackpot F1'. The final height of plants was on average 74.6 cm. Fruits of this variety were the most solid of the tested varieties. The 'Genovese Minny F1' variety had 45% less fruit than the 'Jackpot F1' variety. The worst results we were recorded in the variety 'Matrona F1'. We expected this, because it is a variety that is most widespread in cultivation in Slovenia. This variety is not specially selected for the properties that are want for varieties grown in containers. On average, plants reached the highest final height, 99 cm. On average fruits weighed 103.6 g.

Keywords:eggplants, Solanum melongena, containers, yields, morphological characteristics

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