
Možnost pridelave rumenega drena (Cornus mas L). na območju Grosuplja
ID Podgornik Milosavljević, Matej (Author), ID Štampar, Franc (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Rumeni dren (Cornus mas L.) je divja sadna vrsta, ki spada v družino drenovk (Cornaceae). Raste kot listopadno nizko drevo ali grm. Dobro uspeva na apnenčastih in revnih tleh, na sončnih legah. Plodovi, drnulje, so užitni in vsebujejo veliko C vitamina. Dozorijo zgodaj jeseni. Intenzivnega nasada v Sloveniji še nimamo, zato bi bila to velika novost. Nasad bi postavili v Veliki Stari vas pri Grosuplju, na sončni legi, ob gozdu, kjer je sestava tal ustrezna. Tako bi zagotovili zaščito pred vetrom in dobro osončenost. Klima je primerna za gojenje. Nahajal bi se na območju zmerno celinskega podnebja, tako da so temperature, količina padavin in vlaga primerni za postavitev. Z naravnimi metodami bi zagotovili ekološko pridelavo in zato bi bil naš pridelek visoko kakovosten. Ker so ljudje vedno bolj osveščeni in dajejo velik poudarek zdravi prehrani in s tem ekološkim pridelkom, bi si zagotovili ekonomsko varnost, prispevali pa bi k ohranjanju zdravega okolja in k zdravi prehrani. Ocenjeni stroški postavitve in pridelave so razmeroma nizki. Zaradi ustreznosti vseh potrebnih dejavnikov pričakujemo donos 7500 kg / 1,5 ha letno. S takšnim donosom bi ekonomsko upravičili našo investicijo.

Keywords:sadjarstvo, rumeni dren, Cornus mas, Grosuplje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[M. Podgornik Milosavljavić]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103488 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:9034361 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Possibility of production of Cornelian Cherry (Cornus mas L.) in the area of Grosuplje
Cornelian Cherry (Cornus mas L.) is a species of wild flowering plant in the dogwood family (Cornaceae).It is a medium to large deciduous shrub or small tree, with dark brown branches and greenish twigs. It grows well on limestone and poor soil , on sunny slopes. The fruits, drupes, are edible and they are very high in vitamin C. They ripen in early autumn. So far, there has been no intensive plantation of Carnelian Cherry in Slovenia and it offers a great potential. The plantation would be placed in Velika Stara vas near Grosuplje, on sunny slopes with adequate soil characteristics. Necessary wind protection and sufficient insolation are guaranteed. The climate is appropriate for the cultivation. The plantation would be situated in the region with moderate continental climate with temperatures, annual precipitation and moisture adequate for the cultivation. Natural methods would assure ecologic production which would result in high quality harvest. As people are more and more ecologically aware and concerned about healthy nourishment, economic safety of the investment is ensured. At the same time, it would be a large contribution to preserving a healthy environment and promoting healthy nourishment.The estimated costs of the cultivation deploy and production are relatively low. The annual yield is estimated to be 7500 kg / 1,5 ha due to all beneficent factors.Thus our investment would be economically justified

Keywords:fruit growing, cornelian cherry, Cornus mas, Grosuplje

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