Swimming is classified as very demanding sport discipline. Specific physical characteristics and motor abilities are extremely important. Every second or less time separate first places from second. Good performance depends not only on trainings, genetics, accidental occurrence, important opportunity but also on warm-up. Warm-up can be main factor of success in sport exercise process. Warm-up activates physiological and psychological responses in body which influence on performance of individuals and enables them to reach highest performance achievements.
Swimmers can be warmed-up in a passive and active way. Passive assets which warm-up body of the swimmer are hot shower, multifaceted layer of clothing, heated clothes, massage, heating gels, heating pads. Active warm-up consists of dryland warm-up and warm-up in water.
In Bachelor’s thesis we prepared five examples of active warm-up for swimmers. We divided active warm-up in two sections: general warm-up and special warm-up. General warm-up example contains 6 motor exercise for all bigger muscle groups and endures 6 to 7 min with low aerobic intensity. Specific warm-up examples contain 5 motor exercise with body weight, an elastic band, a towel, a soft pilates ball and a stair. It endures 6 to7 min with low aerobic intensity. Intensity increases progressively. Dryland warm-up can’t replace warm-up in water, but it can represent an alternative to a certain extent.