
Hitrejše diagnosticiranje novorojenih otrok z okvaro vidne zasnove
ID Zager, Tjaša (Author), ID Pritržnik, Lidija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Kljub napredni tehnologiji in medicini, se še vedno veča in veča število ljudi z okvarami in boleznimi vida. Nova področja v znanstvenih panogah odkrivajo nove rešitve, vendar nastanka okvar in bolezni v večini ne morajo preprečiti. Problem, na katerega sem se osredotočila, sledi analizi tem magistrske naloge ter se nanje odziva z najbolj možnimi in prilagodljivimi rešitvami. V svoji magistrski nalogi sem ugotovila, da ima okvara oči otroka, poleg njegovega razvoja, vedno večji vpliv tudi na njegove starše/skrbnike. Marsikdo podleže stresu, družine propadejo. Pa vendar se za otroka potrudimo, da je njihovo življenje čim manj moteno, bolj enakopravno in daleč v kontrastu s predajo. Na podlagi tega, sem se odločila oblikovati aplikacijo in z njo povezano storitev, s katero bo mogoče na hitrejši način prepoznati znake okvar vidne zasnove pri novorojenem otroku ter hkrati osveščati, izobraževati in pomirjati starše/skrbnike na tej poti.

Keywords:industrijsko oblikovanje/unikatno oblikovanje, siva mrena, slabovidnost, otroci, aplikacija, diagnosticiranje, magistrska naloga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103435 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2018
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Title:Faster diagnosis of newborns with visual imparement
Despite advenced technology and medicine, the number of people with visual impairment and illnesses is still increasing. New areas in scientific branches are discovering new solutions, but in most cases they still can not prevent the occurrence of deffects and diseases. The problem that I've focused on follows the analysis of master's thesis themes and responds to the most possible and adoptable solutions. In my master's thesis I found out that a child eyes defect influences not only his development, but also effects his perents. Many people cant't take the stress, they give up as families are falling apart. However, with regard to children, we make sure that their life is undisturbed as possilbe, more equal and far in contrast to surrender. On this basis I decided to go with a service and designing a related application which offers help to recognize the signs of possible newborn child's visual deffects faster. And at the sam time raise awarness, educate and calm parents on this path.

Keywords:industrial design/applied arts, cataracts, visual impaiment, children, application, diagnose, MA thesis

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